🐈 lost 🐈

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Chat noir pov.

My eyes were shut, but I had woken up from a deep sleep. I don't know where in the world I am right now. I was too tired to open my eyes so I just felt with my hands. I was in an unfamiliar bed. I opened one of my eyes to see Marinette laying beside me. I wasn't Adrien though, I was Chat noir. I must have fallen asleep while I was helping her do homework. I'm not sure if I should go leave or stay till Mari wakes up. I heard people walking downstairs. Sabine walked up the ladder to see if Marinette was home or at Adrien's. She gasped to see me in bed with Marinette. "Chat noir?!" Sabine looked at me then Tom came up to look at me too.

"It's not what it looks like I swear. Marinette put me here because I fell asleep helping her with her math homework." I said awkwardly and climbed down her bed. Mari was still asleep. "It's okay Chat noir, we both trust you with our daughter. You don't have to lie. Just don't hurt her after you took her virginity from her." Sabine said. "Yes. I'll kill you if you do." Tom added. I blush. "It's not like that I swear- I didn't Ms. Dupain. We hardly know each other. I've told you that before. I love her a lot but-" I was interrupted by Tom. "You love MY Marinette? So you finally moved on from Ladybug. Good for you. Take care of her." They both started to head back down. "Wait! I didn't have intercourse with her- great there gone." I said.

Mari moaned and woke up. I looked up and she sat up and looked down at me. "You've moved on from Ladybug, huh? You told me you were going to try to get her again. Chat noir we discussed this. We can't like one another. I'm sorry Chat, but I'm already dating Adrien." She said. Er my heart hurt, I wish I could just tell her already. I can't. I never said I moved on from Ladybug, I can't because she is Ladybug. "I'm sorry. I can't change my feelings. I like both of you princess. Ladybug is confident and brave while you are caring. You are here for me. You're the only one I have because I'm all alone in this world. I need you." Her eyes widened. "So you like both of us?" she climbed down her ladder.

"I understand that. Well, you have to choose Kitty. You don't have forever. Go for Ladybug she'll probably give you a chance. On the other hand, if you want me I can't. I have Adrien I don't want to hurt him." She said. I tightened my fists. I can't tell her my feelings anymore or she'll leave me for...ME. Love is too stressful. I know she pities me too. I don't like that impression.

She pets my head and I removed my hand. I looked away from her but I knew she was surprised. "If you want me to not like you, why do you tease me like this? It doesn't help anything. I love you, for this?" I was upset she was doing this to me. "I'm sorry Chat. I didn't know you felt that way. I care about you. Like a friend...So that's why I act the way I do." she stopped touching me. I had enough. "Thank you for having me over." I left. Today was finally the day I was going to do it. I was going to run away from home. It's not like I have anything. "Chat noir!" Mari called for me, but I was already gone.

Mari's pov.

It's been a couple of hours later no sight of Adrien anywhere. I've already checked as Ladybug and Marinette. The police are looking for him right now. I'm so worried and I know Gabriel is too. I was at Adrien's house it was late at night. I couldn't do anything but worry about him and cry. I cried into his pillow for hours. Alya kept texting me to see if I was alright. I ignored them though. I wasn't alright. My two pigtails are out and my hair is a mess. My face is red with really puffy eyes. After hours I fell asleep. I never thought I would get to sleep that night.

Around 6 am-ish I got a tap on my shoulder with made me jump. I opened my eyes and saw Adrien. "Adrien! Where were you?! You had me worried sick. Everyone was worried about you." I cried and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry Marinette." He wrapped his arms around my waist. God, I missed him so much. Even though it's been only hours knowing he could have been in danger made me miss him more. I kissed his cheeks. I laid back down and pulled him down with me. We laughed together then fell asleep. I'm extremely happy Adrien was back home. Now I'm scared for when I confront Chat noir again. Will he still be mad?

It's the next morning. Adrien wasn't in bed because he was getting in trouble with his father. Since Adrien was gone so long he was being grounded for the first week back at school. Poor Adrien he loves school. I would defend him but he hasn't even told me why he was gone, to begin with. When I asked him last night he ignored my question. "Adrien?" I walking into the dining room. "Yes?" He looked up at me. "Where were you last night. You never told me." I sat beside him. "I was busy." He said. I wonder why he won't tell me. "Okay... alright then. I'm glad you're okay." I smiled and ate breakfast with him. I have to get to the bottom of this.

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