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Mari's pov

It's been a year and now we are officially back in school. Adrien and has been dating for a year. It doesn't feel quite the same anymore though. I don't feel happy, not as happy as I used to be. There is a pain in my heart that I love somebody else. Right now I'm not sure who it may be but what I do know is that it's not Adrien anymore. I know I have to tell him but I can't. Not yet. I was sitting on Luka's bed beside him. "Luka...I don't know what I want anymore...who I want...it hurts knowing I don't love Adrien. I've loved him for so long, but I don't know." I sigh. "Well, Marinette do whatever makes you happy. Who makes you the happiest? Who's always there when you need them? I'm sure you know." Luka said playing a song. I blank out. "It's Chat noir." I blushed looking out the window. "How so?" Luka asked and continued to play his song. I hummed to the music. "He always appears at the right time for me. When Adrien is stuck at home Chat noir appears when I'm alone. I LOVE Chat, but he loves Ladybug." I put my head down. He reaches for my back then rubs it. "You're a great girl Marinette. Tell Adrien how you feel. It's the right thing to do." I nod. "Thanks, luka." I run back home to Adrien.

After I tell him I'll have to move back home. It'll be awkward If I don't. I knock and Nathalie lets me in. "Where's Adrien?" I ask looking around. "Today is the first day back at fencing. He'll be back shortly." I nod and tried to relax. Adrien came back home. "Adrien I-" Adrien nodded. "I know Marinette." I was so confused how did he figure it out? "I know you don't like me anymore. I've been so busy I haven't been making enough time for you. I'm sorry. I understand you are interested in someone else." I gasp. "Was it that obvious?" He shook his head. "No, I just figured. You like Chat noir...don't you?" He asked. I gulped. "Yes. I'm so sorry." I rubbed my arm. "It's alright. He's a great guy." He smiled. "He is. Sooo I guess this is the end, huh?" I asked. He nodded. I pack my things and left his home.

I returned home to my mom and dad. Running toward them I gave a big hug. "Marinette we've missed you." They said in unison. "I've missed you too." My eyes watered. "Marinette what's wrong?" Sabine asked. "Adrien and I...are over." I cried loudly. "I'm so sorry honey." She rubbed my back and my dad held me. "Go get some rest. I'm sure you're emotionally exhausted. We'll make your favorite dinner today." I smiled. "Thank you, mom.

I run-up to my room and cried for hours in my bed. I know I didn't like Adrien anymore it still hurts because we have been through so much together. I went to bed and woke up at midnight. I was making a plush kitten for when chat noir stops by. I started to write a card too. Honestly, I have no idea what to say to him. I just really want to express my admiration.

"Dear Chat noir,

I wanted to give you this kitten plush I made you show that I haven't stopped thinking about you. You're Paris's hero and I admire you for all of your confidence. You help ladybug every day, and that proves you're hardworking as well. Since that one day, I couldn't see you differently. It was really hard to deal with, but now I can tell you that I care about you. Thank you for being here for me and others, including ladybug. You are underrated and you deserve attention as well. Thank you Chat for all that you do.

Love, your Princess"

I smiled to myself as I finished writing. "Do you think he'll like it?" Tikki read it. "Don't you think it's too soon? You just ended things with Adrien." Tikki said. "Maybe you're right. I'll save it for another time." I hid the gift in my chest full of gifts for Adrien. Afterward, I went out to my balcony to enjoy the night sky before I try going back to bed.

"Hey princess." Chat appeared beside me. "I'm glad you're here. Tonight I'm pretty lonely." Chat rubbed my back. "I heard what happened. I'm sorry. Why did both of you call quits?" He asked. "Well, I didn't feel in love anymore. I'm not sure why. Or maybe it's just something that wasn't right. I'm probably just not good enough for him. Whatever it may be I do know Adrien is ready sweet, cute, and perfect. I don't want to embarrass him anymore. I'm so clumsy." I sighed. Chat smiled to himself.

"Well, I think you're perfect." He said and looked into my eyes. I blushed and turned away. "Thank you Chat noir." He shouldn't tell me things like that. Especially because he loves Ladybug. We continue to watch the night sky.

Next day at school.

It was the first day back at school. We all were required to wear masks and sit at individual desks. Even though I wasn't used to this it was way better than an online school. I sat at the desk behind Alya and we chatted. Kagami was attending our school now which sucked. She got to sit beside Adrien. I shouldn't be jealous, but I was. I texted Luka so he could help me through this. He always helps me with my love life. Unlike Alya, he doesn't fangirl so it's easier to listen to him. I gasp. I read Luka's text. "You know Marinette, to get your mind off of Adrien, and Chat noir we could hang out together." Is LUKA asking me out on a date...!?

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