⚠️The date⚠️

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Chat looked broken. It was the second time I crushed his heart. I understand it wasn't right so I had to explain myself. I put my head on his chest. "Chat I love you so much, but it feels wrong because I love another boy too. Adrien Agreste...I loved him first...Do you know? I wish we could be like this forever but it'll hurt too much. I want to move on from Adrien b-but I love him-" I cry. Chat looked at me. His eyes were filled with tears too. I wasn't sure why. "I'm so sorry Marinette. I completely understand. I shouldn't have kissed you. You should tell that boy how you feel. I honestly think he doesn't deserve you though...but if you love him THAT much you should tell him." He said. "But what about you?" I looked up at him. "I'll be fine." Chat smiled slightly with a tear running down his eye. He lifted my face. I felt so bad. "Well before we completely move on from each other maybe we should spend the day." I smiled. "I would like that." Chat smiled. "Okay, let's get out of here kitty" I giggled and held his hand. We both escaped from the window.

"What do you have in mind?" He looked at me. "I want a romantic day. We could do what we want to do~" I smiled scanning him. "I like the sound of that princess," he smirked. We went out together to eat breakfast. "Have I ever told you how pretty you are" Chat looked in my eyes? I blushed hard. "Thank you." I smiled brightly. "I think you're cute" I giggled. Chat blushes then smirk. I bother him under the table by kicking his foot. He and I ate then we headed out.

"Where next?" Chat raised his eyebrows and smiled pointing at the community pool. It was dead though so nobody was there. "Okay! I need a bathing suit so let's go buy one first." I walked with him into a clothing store. "Choose which one you want me to wear" He was looking through them. "Um how about this one? We could match" He smiled. It was a really cute black one-piece bathing suit. I honestly was surprised he didn't pick anything super revealing. That was sweet of him. "Okay. I'll go try it on first." There were no fitting rooms but you are allowed to try on the swimsuits in the family restroom. I want to chat to see how he likes it on me so I brought him in with me. He was standing looking away while I got dressed.

"I'm done. How do you like it?" I felt shy being in here with him all alone. "It looks nice." I blushed looking down. "Thank you." He was looking at himself in the mirror flexing his muscles while I got changed back into my clothes. "You look so stupid." I laughed at him. "Paw-lease I look purrfect" He winked at himself in the mirror. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah, whatever." I flicked his bell. He kissed my nose which made me blush.

We walked out of the bathroom and went up to the cashier. I was going to pay but Chat paid for me. He was such a gentleman. We went to the pool together. He had on his aqua suit. I stepped into the jacuzzi and sighed. It felt so nice. I leaned on him and he leans back. "Kitty. Are you going to try to get Ladybug again after this?" I said quietly. "Hm. I still really love ladybug but she'll never-" I interrupted him. "Stop. Don't say she won't ever love you. That's because I know she will. You have to let her know she can trust you with her heart. Then she'll give you a chance. I say you ask her out afterward." He looked at me. "You must believe in me...I'm not sure any of that will happen. I'm pretty sure ladybug said she liked Adrien." Chat sighed. "She does?" I pretended to act as if I didn't know that. "Well, maybe she'll realize you are better" I smiled. "Maybe. Thank you." He sighed. I hugged him. "Plus kitty. Once this day is over even though we won't be like this anymore I want you to know I'll always love you." I went closer to him. He grabbed my waist then we kissed for what felt like forever.

                     /// late at night ///

I made chat drop me off at my balcony. "Thank you for today. It was so special." He smiled. "No, thank you, princess." We kissed one last time. "We have to forget about tonight and our feelings for each other. So that our love lives can be successful. I love you Chat. Thank you for this wonderful experience." I cried. "I love you too." He wiped his tears and left. I watched him leave me. "Chat noir..." I say to myself and fall on the floor crying.

I walked back to Adrien's. I was going to tell him how I felt. Just like Chat said. It was so nerve-wracking but I'll never be more ready than now. "Adrien!" I yelled. Which made him jump. "Yes, Mari? Did I do something? I'm sorry." He looked at me. "No, you haven't. I'm sorry for how I treated you." I sighed. He smiled. "It's alright. Is that what you wanted to tell me?" He raised an eyebrow. Adrien was trying to get her to tell her feelings. "I- no. Adrien I-I like you. We should go to the Movies tomorrow." I said redder than a tomato.

He smiled. "Sure, okay! I would love to go with you to the movies." I blushed. "Does this mean you liked me too...?" I shyly asked. "Of course!" He hugged me and I hugged back.

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