New beginnings.

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Mari's pov.

I'm a new woman I don't need Adrien anymore. Of course, he is still my friend, but I don't need to stalk to survive anymore. Looking around my room I sighed tearing down pictures of Adrien. Plus, Adrien is last year's news. This year's new is all about self-love. I don't need a boy to know that I am amazing. Having one though is nice...LOL. I look through my closet seeing long dresses, and short ones. I see skirts and pants as well. I'm clueless about what to wear today but I'll figure it out eventually. I hum kitty sections song as I look around for my outfit. Obviously because of my "date" with luka.

"Princess~" I hear a familiar voice. It's chat! I went to my balcony. "Hi, kitty." I smiled. "You seem in a good mood today." I laughed. "Because I am. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because when I stopped dating I found out I loved myself again. I feel less insecure..." He looked at me. "Adrien didn't help you feel less insecure..?" He sighed. "Well...Chat I don't know what to wear. Can you help me?" I take his hand in. "Sure I guess" He smiled.

"Wear this red dress. Red looks good on you." I looked at his choice. "Alright." He looked around my room and snooped through my things. Even noticed the pictures of Adrien in my trash. I turn his head to look at me. "Where are you going anyways?" I removed my hand from his cheek. "Luka asked me out on a date. I'm giving him a chance but I don't see it as a date. I like someone already" I said increasingly quieter near the end while blushing. "Hm, you do? Who's the lucky fellow purr-princess?" he smirks at me. "Not gonna tell you kitty cat." I pull out my heels from my closet. "Look away perv." I smile. "Okay okay," He turned then I changed. "You can look. How's is it?" My arms were behind my back shyly. "You look purrfect" His jaw dropped then he closed it. "Thank you."

Packing up my stuff I was about to head out. "I gotta go now kitty. Luka is at the door. See you soon?" I looked at him and he nodded. "Of course my princess." He smiled then escaped from my balcony. I put on my mask then head down to luka. "Hello, Marinette." I smiled "Hi luka. Let's go." We headed off to a fancy restaurant.

We sat down and talked about boring date stuff. "You know Marinette if you end up not liking this date at all don't be scared to tell me. I know, you like Chat noir. I just don't want you getting hurt. If he makes you happy chase after him. Okay?" He looked at me with all seriousness. "Okay, Luka." I was eating and talking to him. I hope I figure out who I love. I can't easily give up my heart either out of desperation. Chat Noir is amazing. I always think about him, I'm sure I love him. Later on, our date was over. "Thank you for inviting me, Luka." He nodded. He offered to drive me home, but I declined it.

I was walking home. Soon it was going to be my 18th birthday, but I'm not sure what to do about it. I sighed walking and thinking. Alya called me. I picked up. "Hey, Alya." I smiled to myself. "Hii girl. So your birthday is coming up. How are you going to celebrate it?" I sighed "I'm not sure." "Hmmm well in that case how do you fantasize it?" Alya asked.

"Well, I imagine a big party with all my friends there, including Adrien even though we broke it off. Then a long night of me, and Chat noir together, close, practically breathing on each other-" I was interrupted. "Woah hold on. You like Chat noir?" She was shocked. "Oh yeah, I guess I forgot to tell you." I laughed. "I knew it!! from the time he was at the mall. You guys have a lot of chemistry. Well, that dream birthday of yours imma make it happen." Alya giggled. "Really! No way! Thank you so much."

Alya's pov.

I practically texted everyone at school they are invited to Marinette's birthday party. She wanted a big party in all. Of course, Kagami isn't invited though. Now I have to find Chat noir so she can have that long night alone together. Heh. I walked out around nighttime. I'm sure I'll be able to find him at night. I saw him in the distance. "Chat noir!" I yelled out to him causing him to jump. He was previously looking at the stars before I disturbed him. 'Alya? I meant- Aren't you that Alya girl? The one with the Lady blog? I mean ladybug is cool but you should have a chat blog too" He grinned widely. I laughed. "Maybe. Anyways I'm not here about me. Marinette is my best friend and I think she likes you. Don't tell her I told you so, but next week is her birthday party. It'll be big. It's what she wants, but what she also said she wanted was for you to stay the night with her after the party is done. Maybe you can give her a real fun time for her 18th birthday." I giggled. "For real though can you go? It'll make her so happy. You gotta promise me Chat noir." He smiled. "It's my honor. I promise."

Mari's pov.

Tomorrow is my birthday party. I'm so excited. Also, Adrien will be there so I'll have a chance to properly apologize and make sure we are good. What's even better is that Alya said Chat can spend the night with me eeeee I'm so fucking excited. I was singing and dancing all around my room. I got a call from Alya. I picked up. "Heyy I'm SO excited for tomorrow." I grinned. "Uh about that Mari, Adrien, and Chat noir, unfortunately, caught the virus and can't make it. You're not going to be able to see them in a while. I'm sorry girl."

"W-what are they okay!?" I cried.

Nights Kiss (MARICHAT)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن