Chapter two

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Note mine

After the battle they decided to celebrate. Everyone was having fun, even the Star sanses was their. Everyone had just a few drinks and now Dream and cross were on the couch haveing a flerting battle, dust and horror were just stairing at each other telling puns and blue was making sure nobody would do anything stupid.  After a while nightmare went to bed and dream just was sitting outside in front of the castle door, and everyone else was either partout or parent their anymore. Dream was sitting outside and then he saw SD Dream was walking by him to get inside the castle, he glared at him not in a nice way, he new why he was their but he new he couldn't do anything to stop him, if he did he was sure everyone in their would be dead exeped Night(Nightmare).  -----------------------------------------------------------  "In nightmares room" SD Dream carefully closed Nightmare's door, and walked over to him and said, "Nightmare... Nightmare... Darling wake up~" wa Dream what are you- oh it's you, what do you want?" "I'm here for my prize" "Oh! Well what is it that you want?" "You darling" WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN, YOU WANT ME?!"  "Your what I wanted" "w-wait, cant you just pick s-something else?" "Nightmare said in a scared tone of voice" "sorry" SD Dream then put a pellow over is head but before he was unconscious he said, a deal is a deal, right? Then SD Dream picked up nightmare and went thru a portal he created, and then set Nightmare in his new bed and said, "sweet dreams my darling."

No art is mine btw

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