Chapter 4

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Nightmare spent the rest of the day exploring the castle, it took about 2 hours to explore the whole thing. He was outside the last room, but when he got their all their was, was a big door, he thought to himself, that must be the only way out because, it had a lock on it, and it was the only door he couldn't open. "I see you've found the exit." SD said as he creeped behind Nightmare. "Oh a y-ya" Nightmare replied. Then Nightmare decided to go to bed after he found his way to his room. After SD found Nightmare asleep he kissed him goodnight and went to bed After a few days Nightmare found out that he new nothing. "Nightmare pov" ...well I'm not as afraid of SD as I was at first, and it's been pretty nice-WAIT NO!, it just that darn positivety getting to me. ...but come to think of it I've never seen SD leave thru the front door, hes only ever telaported. (DAT IS SO SUS) eh, he probably just perfers to do that.(NOOOOOO) I think I'll do some surching around for something that can help me get out. SD.pov: Darling was giving of a little positive feelings for a second there. Thats good. But for some reason, every time I see darling I get butterflys in my stomach and I just wanna make him know he's mine and MINE ALONE.

Still not mine but ima continue from here soon Mk?also I will get to work on the errink and oneshot s but the oneshot book will be on hold until I get motivated

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