Chapter 3

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Still not mine

Nightmare awoke with a feeling of flutilety (weak). It took him a minute to realize that he was not in his own bed, he wasen't even his castle. He sat up and realized he didn't have any clothes on he was completely naked. Then SD walked in to his room and said, "good morning darling how was your sleep?" Sd said in a happy tone. "You motherf*ckrr" Nightmare said in a happy-angery manner. "I got you some new cloths I leave them here" Nightmare cwikly got dressed,and then started to look around his room I was purple, gold, and blue. Way more elegant then his old room.he then looked out his window to see if he could find where the front door was, it seemed he was on the top floor, and the door wasen't on this side of the castle, the castle was way bigger then his won. After he left the room the decided to explore the castle as much as possible. After about 30 minutes of surching he hered SD call him to eat breakfast, he found the dinning room faster then he thought.  -----------------------------------------------------------  when he got their he saw SD sitting down waiting for him. he sat down in the chair furthers away from SD as he was still suspicious of him, all he thought was what typ of drug could he have put in his food, but he was hungry so he just brushed it off his shulder. When he was done eating, SD asked, "how is it?" "Not bad but NOT good" "thanks for your feedback darling, now I'm not sure if you've noticed but your magic won't work in here exeped for things like somenning your echo body and moving your tentacles but nothing that could harm anyone, all thanks my positive energy" Nightmare was now in shock thinking about all the things that SD could do to him now that he was defenslis agensed him.  -----------------------------------------------------------  With Nightmare still in shock, SD took his plate so he could clean it. After a couple seconds he came back to realety, and waited for SD to come back, but when he was Nightmare asked, "w-what are you ganna do t-to me?" "Well that depends... If you do any thing to try to harm me or escape, then I'll decide then, but I won't kill you" Nightmare was a little releaved by the no killing part, but he was still worried about the rest.

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