chapter 6

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Mono sat around in bed, Seven clearing the tears that spilled out of Mono's eyes.

"Why does this keep happening?" Mono stuttered under his breath, Seven shrugged.

"I really don't know, maybe you should get it checked out. Just in case it gets much worse." Seven pleaded again for the millionth time, Mono sighed before nodding.

"Fine, fine, fine. We can get it checked out, your right. It's probably gonna get worse if we don't get it checked on." Mono finally said after a week of trying to get him to get it checked out, seven smiled so brightly.

"Okay, we can get it checked out! But are you sure??" Seven asked, Mono nodded.

"Like you said, it's better to check it out earlier than not to. Don't keep saying if I'm sure eather, I know I'll just end up saying no and change my mind." Mono said, Seven nodded.

{The next Day- The appointment}

The two boys sat down on the hospital seats, Mono's hands slightly shakes nervously.

"Mono?" The two heard a nurse say, Mono and seven stood up and followed the nurse into a room.

"The doctor will be with you shortly." The nurse said, seven thanked her as Mono sat on the medical bed.

"Hey, you okay?" Seven asked, Mono shrugged.

"I really don't know at this rate... Am I? Am I not? I don't know?" Mono replied, his voice sounding less confident by the second. Seven sighed before sitting next to Mono, placing his hand on Mono's shoulder.

"It's gonna be alright, okay? I'm here for you. What happens here stays between us if needed." Seven explained to Mono, making mono smile as the doctor came in.

"Hello Mono, the last time you were forced to be here you said you would never come back and here you are. Well, I'm not complaining but what seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked, Mono was lost for words so Seven soon began explaining.

"A few weeks ago he began feeling strong pains in his stomach, we both don't know why he feels this and it doesn't seem to be normal aswell. We just thought it should be checked at since it hasn't went away." Seven told the doctor, the doctor writing down every bit of detail he was told.

"Right, well I agree with you that it not normal for stomach pains to be for long periods of time. All I can ask is that Mono Stays in the hospital for a few days, maximum of four. So we can get a better view of the situation, you can stay if you want if it makes Mono comfortable." The doctor explained, seven nodded before taken the two into what looked like a hospital bedroom.

"You'll be staying in here for the next few days just to do some tests alright." The doctor said,the two thanked the doctor before the doctor left.

Seven watched as the doctor left before turning his head to see Mono who's hands were shaking slowly and nearly went unnoticed.

"Your panicking aren't you?" Seven asked, Mono nodded slowly.

"Look, it's gonna be alright. Everything is gonna be okay, trust me. Whatever happens, I'll be right here by your side." Seven said, making Mono smile slightly before only Mono scream of pain cried out as he clenched his stomach tightly.

{4 hours later}

"You weren't joking when you meant, it's not like a stomach cramp." The doctor said to seven as he was watching Mono sleep peacefully. Mono never slept properly before and yet now he layed right Infront of him, sleeping calmly.

"Yep, we have no idea how this has been caused eather." Seven said, the doctor nodded before speaking.

"Tomorrow we'll start testing his blood and giving him some tests to make sure we find out what has caused this." The doctor said before leaving, Seven wondered over to sit next to the bed Mono layed on.

Seven took a deep breath as he looked closer at Mono, he mostly ever slept after the pain was over. He placed his hand on Mono's head, feeling slightly hotter then normal.

"It'll all be over soon Mono, mark my words on it." Seven whispered to himself, not even paying attention to the television that somehow switched on.

The static coming from the TV was quite than normal, someone was watching from the other side.
Sitting.... Waiting..... Alone.....

The person sighed before speaking.

"Well, I see it's coming to 'that' now.... *Sigh* well then, we'll see if they betray him or not. Love can make so many things happens.... Let's see how this happens" they said to them self as they looked around other TV's around them before spotting someone holding a knife, stabbing a photo of two people.

"Well, that adds to the excitement or the boredom." They said before looking at someone, they nodded.

"You know your role, make sure you play it correctly or else I'll be the one doing it to you." The person said, the other nodded before leaving whilst grabbing a gun.

-Two Day Later -
-(After Five tests have been)-

Mono sat upon the bed, Seven sat on the bed aswell trying to comfort Mono.

"It's gonna be alright, everything will be okay." Seven said before the doctor came back, his eyes widened as if something bad happened.

"Well um-Mono? Well- I don't know how to say this to you two. Well- the tests came back and well- I don't know." The doctor said as he looked closer at his clipboard, Mono and seven looked at the doctor- seven more concerned than Mono.

"What is it? Take your time sir." Seven said, the doctor took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Well, the tests have returned but with a very unexpected turn. You know when we X-ray you? Well, their was something we spotted." The doctor said before handing the tow boys the X-ray photo.

The doctor quietly left the two as they looked closer at it, trying to figure out what the doctor meant.
They never noticed at first but a few minutes later, Mono began crying as seven dropped the photo and hugs him to comfort him.

The picture of Mono's X-ray but with smaller bones formed into a human right under where Mono's stomach would have been......

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