chapter 15

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The three walked down a big desolated hall, six tripping over something which made everyone looked. When six got to her feet, looking down to see a rusted old massive key.

"A... Key?..." Six questioned, seven soon quickly realised.

"Mono is nearby, he's always been a lover of keys." Seven said before the three heard a humming sound echoing from one singular room.

Seven dashed down the hall, coming upon three doors opened to reveal a swirling of white and purple.

"Three doors?" Seven questioned.

"And their is three people." Six said, seven looking at the two girls.

"You guys sure?" Seven said, the two nodded as they picked the doors to the left and right.

"If we separate, we might find him quicker." Kid explained, the other two nodded before making their way into the doors. The doors slammed shut behind them.

Kid looked towards the door that slammed behind her, their was no going back now.

She took a deep breath as she walked down the hospital halls, seeing every single mannequin everywhere.

"Okay, it's just some mannequin's that's all..... J-just a lot o-of mannequin's....." Kid said to herself before spotting them moving, her fear grew bigger and bigger at the moment.

She began running.... Hopefully to get away from them.... Instead, she put herself in their trap....

Soon enough they surrounded her, her breathing increased till she fell to her knees. Her hands on her head, panicking.

"B-Brother!! Help!!"


-{ Meanwhile }-

Six walked down the hall, seeing nothing but dolls. The sound of what seemed to be a music box calmly played, her mind spaced out from it.

It was just like old time, when she was all alone... No one to bother her....

She was all happy and free..

But she kept on going, knowing they were looking for Mono was the main thing.
But the sound of the music box was the only thing kept pushing her mind into a different section repeatedly.
But the main thing that stoped her completely, was a shadow figure that looked exactly like her.

"Do you really think you can let Mono take away your crush? Allow me to help you." The shadow figure said, six looked away.

"And why would I believe you? I like girls not boys.... But seven..." Six said, the shadow giggled.

"You love seven, don't deny it. Allow me to help you... And we'll make sure that he is never to bother and interfere in you and seven again. It's the only way to have it your way~" the shadow said, six looked away for a while before sighing.

"Looks like we gotta deal then?"

-{ Meanwhile }-

Seven crept quietly, hearing screams and laughter coming from every angle.
But seven still walked in, knowing Mono would be found by someone atleast..

The fact that Mono being found would be impossible due to how long he has been gone for... But he never let that get in the way, he wanted to find Mono ill or even well.

But it wouldn't be far before he came upon the sounds of chains moving at a a slow rate.

The sound of chains slowly retracting echoed within the halls.
Seven could only press forward, towards the noises.
To seven, it could aim and lead to Mono, his one and true love.

"Mono?" Seven shouted, his voice echoed throughout with no reply.

The only thing that echoed was the sounds of the chains once more.

"What on earth is that sound? Who is dragging chains?" Seven wondered as he walked closer to the sound, to only meet eyes with someone that looked awfully that mono.

"Mono?!?" Seven shouted, the figure looked up in fear. Their eyes widened as seven slowly made his way towards them.

"Stay away from me!" They said, chains shot out from behind them and pushed scene away.
Seven dragged across the floor till he landed against a wall. It wasn't long till Six was thrown towards the walls, joining seven while kid remained tied to a chain and dangled within the air.

The person looked up towards her, watching a kid swayed from one side to another.

Seven and six watched along with the person, seven soon noticing what is going on.

"What should we- wait. Where are you going?" Six said, watching seven as he slowly walked to walked towards the other two.

"He's confused." Seven replied, grabbing the figures attention.

"What?" Six said, seven sighed.

"Mono is there, he is just confused. That grave, miss justice's explanation on how kid came back from the dead. Mono is her big brother, all he is doing is trying to protect her. Like he promised before she kinda died. Plus with everything going on, he would be stressed out. But mono is different that way, he knows how to hidetl things." Seven explained as he got closer, much more closer than before.
Mono only watched, he didn't move a muscle as seven got closer, kneeling down infornt of him.

"Mono....." Seven said, mono just looked up at seven. One eye a dark oak brown, the other black with a white eye in place of where his other brown eye would be. The black and white eye only dripped black liquid from his eyes while black liquid covered his normal eye.

"Mono-" before even another word was spoken, a chain holding sewing needles shot out and attacked one of the other two.

Seven quickly turned, to only meet eyes with....

Blood dripping, the needle impaled....
She was dead within second...

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