chapter 11 + Q&A

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Mono and the school girl walked into an abandoned room, the tow seeing miss justice sitting waiting expectedly.

"So you are the two i am here to meet?? Interesting, so who slipped me the note?" Miss justice asked, the female student raised her hand.

"I did, we were wondering if you may have caused this." The school girl said as Mono looked around, seeing nothing more than dust and cobwebs everywhere.

"So, what may have I caused this time round?" Justice asked before spotting mono wondering around, soon noticing his stomach.

"Oh, I see. Well I can assure you that is what happens when a bad event happens, that's what's happening toy your friend." Miss justice said, grabbing Mono's attention.

"What do you mean?" Mono asked, miss justice stood up and walked around.

"Basically, you are Mono correct? When an ability like going through TV's comes into action, a bad thing may occur during it. And that's might what probably be happening here, I believe their is someone else that may have caused this a bit. It mostly occurs if you have a sibling that has died recently after the pain have begun." Miss justice explained, Mono's fear began growing.

"You had a sibling didn't you?..." Miss justice said, Mono nodded.

"I had a little sister called Kid, she passed due to an illness... So, since I have the ability to go through TV's this might have caused it?" Mono asked, miss justice nodded.

"Sometimes, TV's seen people as a different gender to their actual gender. I believe that the TV may have mixed up your gender, hense why you are able to carry a newborn within you." Miss justice said, the school girl was fascinated by it all while Mono looked down with sorrow and pain.

"Something is bothering you, care to explain?" Miss justice added and asked.

"The first time I done that, I was only five and i accidentally brought my sister along when she was just one.... After that, she got terribly ill.... That was way before-"

"Before your parents abandoned you and your sister but you couldn't keep her so you hid her in an old building that you know that wouldn't be broken down anytime soon. Did I get that all correct?" Miss justice interrupted and said, Mono looked up at her and nodded.

"Yeah but, how did you know?" Mono asked, curiously.

"Because Someone that was very close to me had that happen to them, I've never heard from them again." Miss justice explained, looking at the two.

"Listen, I'll warn you this: The way your ability grows is how much danger you put the unborn kid and yourself. Learn to control it, it may save your life." Miss justice said before going into a dark corner, soon black searchers were moving quickly.

The school girl walked over closely to the corner, seeing she was gone.

"She's gone, how?" Mono asked, surprised of how she done this.

"Probably after a few years of practice? Come on, we should get going before the teacher notices." The school girl say, the two wondered out if the room and heading straight back to their rooms.


"So- so let me get this- how!?! A man carrying a child- forgive me, how the hell did that happen?! What type of experiment did you do on him!? Are you taking something that makes your kind go all loopy?" The female asked Seven as he looked around.

"Honestly nothing and yes, somehow my boyfriend is pregnant with my kid and now he's been taken by that blasted hunter. Also, why are we in a hospital?" Seven asked, The female sighed.

"Like I said, it was the closes building and it seem natural for you to recover in a hospital. Please use some common sense." She said, Seven sighed with annoyance.

"Can I atleast know your name or I'm gonna start calling you 'it'." Seven asked, the female just sighed.

"Will it make you stop asking?!" She said, seven nodded with a frown on his face.

"Fine. My name is...."


Six quietly crawled passed the hunter as they pulled something on the table, the smell of decomposing animals went straight up her nose.

'god! How the hell does he get use to this?! Is his nose burned out?'
Six thought as she continued to crawl to a wooden, broken door.

As she came towards the door, the hunter threw something towards the door, six looked to see a lifeless raccoon hitting the ground. Smears of blood appeared as the raccoons body rolled a little on the floor.

The hunter then began walking out of the room, opening the large broken door widely to leave. With the door staying, six quickly dashed out of the room herself.

She hid quickly behind a wooden box, watching the hunter return with another raccoon. But this one was alive...

The raccoon struggled and fought for a while before the hunter used both it thier hands and snapped it's neck, watching as it began slowly becoming lifeless.

The hunter went back into the room, closing the door behind them as six slowly came out of hiding and began running into the forest.

Six never looked back, she just kept running... Running away from the hunter...

-{ Meanwhile }-

Mono looked up towards the ceiling, his hands on his chest as the sound of clocks ticking repeatedly over and over again.

Soon after, he looked around the room to see nothing out of the ordinary. He sighed, feeling as if this was his new life. His breathing slowly increased as pain shot through him, mostly his stomach.

It wasn't long before his arms wrapped around his stomach quickly, which slowly shakes within fear.

A few minutes after the pain slowly died off, Mono slowly sat up and looked down at his stomach. He used his hand to remove his hair from his dark brown eye, seeing his stomach has grown bigger.

"So... Every time I feel that pain it means that your growing in their." Mono stuttered as he layed back down, placing his hands on his stomach.

"God... Your gonna annoy me to death, aren't you??" Mono stuttered, feeling movement from within him causing him to smile and giggle.

"I'll take that as a yes."


Q&A time!!

11 chapters in, I think it's time for a Q&A!
Please, if you have any questions or if something doesn't make sense don't be shy to ask (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

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