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Please don't look away
For i have something to say,
What do I mean to you?,
Not literally but actually?
All these days they pass by and I just can't stop wondering why,
You see,
I like you and that to me is the dearest thing,

Whata gamer shall I say,
All the matches we would play and you would rage,
Stayed up all night last night with you
You seem not to be able to make up your mind,
As time...
then we go back and im left on read,
Oh my wonders sure ponder,
Don't you find this SHAMELESS,
Make me feel special then tell me you're talking to another girl,
I forgot you never gave time,
I was just a girl you look at when you were bored out your mind,
But I'm still wondering why,
As if the days passed so did our LAST conversation,
I realized I was trying to hard to take a path that I never would've came across,
Like a boat lost in the ocean I feel as though I took open fire for a boat that had already sunk below,
That's something I feel I gave you too much of,
Had you actually cared maybe I would have received yours more,
How do you feel now?
Would you say you care?
Or am I just family to you?
You might be unaware but to me you will never be "brotherly "
My heart doesn't hurt so maybe this is a perk
One is which you can disembark upon
I hate this feeling of loving someone so cold
I want the warmth of love but was given a rock to hold
I used to be your V and you were something to me
But nowadays you've drifted away and I think
it's to time to rest this case
I've killed the butterflies that once lived yet when I see your face they relive,
AnYwAYs my point is i want to be friends
But let's be friends that never talk or say hello
We won't chat or play no games
Staying up is not okay
You took my time
as did I
But now I'm here to take it back
So now strangers is what we'll be
I really wonder why my heart ponders so much
It's obsessed with a guy who hasn't even found his Juliet
Perhaps I'm pathetic
So don't be sympathetic
That is a word many use but haven't found
I'd like to think I found it
Whether it was with you or without
This question seems to have stuck to me
Even if we are nothing
I'd like to know once again,
Why do you treat me like I'm something when I'm clearly nothing?
What am I to you?
How can I be perfect for you?
Is it my...
No skinny waist,
Or pretty face,
I have tummy that holds more...
yummy things compared to yours
Maybe it's my smile,
My chunky face,
Oh... is my chest not big enough?
Hah I'm sorry or aha as you would say,
I always thought that was cute,
I loved to hear you talk you sound dumb as fuck
But even then, it was soothing
Want a solo match?
I think you got it...
And of course in the end I lost this battle,
Crown you the king of no. Imperfections.
I dislike you,
But only for the fact that I know you dislike me too.
Why— no just,
What am I too you?
Please don't look away,
I know I may bore you but feel free to stay.

Poems for you, my dearly beloved.Where stories live. Discover now