Whats wrong with being gay?

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Whats so wrong with being gay?
If I don't say so myself who would?
You treat those that are different as if they are one
But yet, still so many don't approve of the facts
It's as if your playing poker,
You grab a spade but that turns into one of many spades in the deck,
You can't get rid of them all,
So accept them,
Say you lost that poker game what would you say? That the cards should've changed to be what you wanted them to be?
Im sorry but that just isn't it to me,
To cover up what someone is, is not as simple as a card game but do you get my point?
Gays, pans, un binary, and so forth,
They feel as though they can't quite show or say who they are,
you must accept with the upmost love,
Did anyone stop you from loving who you married or your with?
Did anyone stop you from making the mistakes you did?
Probably not, they let you learn ,therefore I will say this once,
Let them be them,
Don't change them
There's a metaphor that those who haven't told are in a closet
Don't you think that's suffocating?
Take them for what they are don't leave them for what they've become
Have a good day.

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