A Mindless Behavior Fantasy: Too Young To Know ~Sequel~

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Everybody was gathered in the lobby. Soon as you walked into the room, the smell of salty tears overtook you. Mom was bent over in her chair crying, basically screaming. Next to her was Dad. No one expected him to lose it like he did. He punched a framed picture that hung from the wall across the room. Shattering the glass with his knuckles, his hand began to bleed heavily. He yelled asking how all this could happen. He just left the house for a little while and came back blaming himself for someone dying. Security calmed him down and escorted him outside the hospital doors. Shelly was balled up next to my mom. Holding onto her. She fought so hard not to cry but it was all she could do. 

"Excuse me?"

The calm voice made everyone freeze. Heads turned to see the doctor walking straight from surgery.

"Where are the parents?" He asked.

At that moment, security had my dad walk back in the room. He held his hand up. Shelly and Mom stood up still holding onto eachother wiping their faces with tissue. 

"I'm so sorry all this had to happen to you. I wanted to come out and inform you that Kayla is alright."

Mom yelled out and raised her hand to the sky. Dad walked over and grabbed it. He kissed the back of it and held it.

"Now, I would like to let you in on Chresanto."

"Please tell me my baby is alright!" Shelly panted about to loose it again.

"We're not sure Mrs.August. We're having trouble getting his heart rate to a normal range. For now and possibly until he shows us healthy signs, he'll be on life support."

Her face began to turn bright red. It seemed every part of her had died. 

"I can't be here without Roc! That's my only baby!" She screamed.

Every shriek she let out brought more tears from everyone.

"You can see Kayla tonight if you would like. We just need to finish our last procedures before ejecting her to a room." 

"What about the baby?" Shelly managed to ask.

"You know Kayla's pregnant right?" Mom added.

"Yes I do."

The doctor looked at my father, mother, and last Shelly.

"She's fine."



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