Too Young To Know ~Sequel~ Ch.5

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Later on in that week I went to see the pediatrician. My parents and Shelly came by to witness my ultrasound. Luckily , everything was fine with the baby. Thankfully there was nothing afflicted from my bullet to the womb. That's all I needed to know.

Pediatrician: So what are you going to name your baby girl?

Me: Shanice Chrystal August.

Pediatrician: That's a really beautiful name.

Me: Thank you. I had a little help with it. I'm so ready to see her in person.

Shelly: Time is going by so slow waiting for her!

Pediatrician: We just have to make sure during this time she's growing at a healthy rate.

Mom: That's the most important thing.

Pediatrician: Kayla, I'm gonna push for you to leave the hospital sooner okay? Only because I need you to be more active instead of in a bed.

Me: Really?!

Pediatrician: How about we send you home in a week?

My dad stood in the background with a half smile. I was beyond excited for this. The only thing left waiting on was Roc to get better. We continued the ultrasound and watched Shanice's heart on the screen. Everything was beginning to fall into place.

-Back at ICU-

It was almost 8pm. My parents had left hours ago and Nurse Carol was coming in and out of my room. As much as it took...I began to beg her to give me permission to see Roc.

Ms.Carol: I don't have the authority to authorize that Kayla.

Me: You can at least tell me something!

She paused and picked up a pouch from my nightstand.

Ms.Carol: I'm sorry.

She left.


There wasn't much I could do as far as talking at this point. What was written on a chart wouldn't give me the comfort I would need thinking about Roc. There weren't many options left besides sneaking to his room myself. I slipped an empty IV needle from my arm. They'd come to my room soon to replace it. I'd have to hurry. I softly stepped into a carpeted hallway after leaving the lobby following the signs above the doorways.

Me: I lost?

Before I knew it someone had caught me.

Dr: Mam?

Me: ...yes?

Dr: Where are you headed?

Me: .....

Dr: Mam?

Me: I -I gotta go.

I quickly walked off leaving him questioned. Right when I thought of going back to my room I found it. The opposite ICU lobby. Now to find Roc..


I wanted to update tonight instead of giving you a LONG part to read. Cause reading long parts is boring to me ._. So I'll give you the rest tomorrow.

I have to do a playwright(script) competition for my state so...I'm suppose to get started asap so I'll probably be working on Wattpad every other week. Wish me luck ;.;

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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A Mindless Behavior Fantasy: Too Young To Know ~Sequel~Where stories live. Discover now