Too Young To Know ~Sequel~ Ch.4

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Earlier in the next day, Ms. Carol came into my room with a newspaper to keep me entertained. It takes a while to get through those things. Unlike the average teen, I wanted to see what was going on in the world besides new comics. Most of what was read was related to gas prices, mayor, and new technology. Before I flipped the page Ms.Tiffany snatched the paper out of my hands.

"Are you alright?!" I snapped.

"Oh did I sneak up on you?" She laughed.

"You know Ms.Carol is my nurse this morning right?"

"That's not why Im in here. I went to ICU after I checked in."

The feeling in my body seemed to become numb. Here came the news.

"Carol marked on his chart that he was taken off life support about 4 weeks ago. 3 weeks ago he managed to open his eyes. Later that same week he attempted to talk-"

"Where was he shot?" I interrupted.

"He was shot more than once. The shoulder and inside the chest cavity."

"I don't remember it sounding like that many shot into the house."

She raised her eyebrows.

"Sounds like you two, not to mention three, survived an automatic weapon..."


I looked at her to continue her report.

"He's recovering very well. But once he regains enough strength in his upper body again, Roc has to stay here and go through physical therapy sessions. Just to make sure the muscles in his arm operate properly." She finished.

"When will he go home?"

"Wasn't even listed on the chart Kay."

I teared up.

"Smile. It could've been a lot worst." She sighed.



"If we both got shot, why am I doing so much better recovering than Roc?"

She looked down and thought for a second.

"Either your body is doing everything to pull through for that baby; Or Roc tried to catch every bullet to protect the both of his babies."

I looked at the room's door. Almost wanting to run to ICU. That wasn't going to happen. But I could just imagine it.

"I have one more question..I'm sorta afraid to ask." I laughed nervously.

"Don't be afraid to ask anything honey." She gave a reassuring smile.

"What's gonna happen to my baby?"

She glanced at the foot of my bed and read my chart.

"Your pediatrician will be here this week. He'll tell you way more than I can for right now." She answered.

I had a feeling if something was wrong with my child, I had more than a few weeks left in this hospital room.


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[A/N: I love my followers. You really really really don't know the effect you have on my life and my motivation towards everything. Thanks for your support. *tearing as we speak lol*]

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