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  "A bit slow with the kidnapping today, aren't we?"

  You turned to Hawks and flashed him a grin, then turned back to your desk and started to fiddle with a Rubik's Cube. "Had to clean up the streets from all the trash hanging around today."

  Hawks's smile quickly turned into a disapproving frown and he sighed deeply, leaning his head back on the chair he was seated in. This didn't go unnoticed by you, and you frowned back at him, tossing a file of some sorts onto his lap and putting down your puzzle. "Read this."

  He looked up at you and raised a brow, wiggling his fingers in his restraints. "Kinda tied up here, sweetheart."

  You rolled your eyes and swept the file off of his lap, then opened it and read it aloud. "First target. Convicted sex offender and pedophile. Got out of jail on good behavior. Still hasn't stopped his crusades on young girls and women."

  Your eyes flickered up to the hero in front of you and you waved the file in the air, smiling mockingly. "I caught him trying to grope a schoolgirl in an alleyway earlier today. So I killed him. Still think all lives need to be preserved?"

  Hawks blinked with surprise, then opened his mouth, only to be interrupted by you again. "Target from yesterday. A corrupt politician who has reportedly assaulted many women, yet somehow never got caught. He extorted these people for their money among other things. Killed him yesterday 'cause he tried the same thing with me while I was coming here."

  Hawks was stunned. Were you just...trying to get rid of the bad people in society? Like some sort of messed up vigilante? You tossed the file aside and leaned in close to his face, lifting up his chin with your hand and staring into his eyes blankly.

  "Don't ever tell me that all lives matter in the grand scheme of things. In reality, none of our feeble little lives matter. You think society gives a shit if a couple of sex offenders disappear? No, in fact, they would be grateful."

  You let go of his face and twirled around, your expression changing into a slightly more cheerful one as you sung out. 

  "I'm the savior of humanity, the exterminator of the filthy cockroaches of society, Red Angel~"

  Hawks stared at you with bewilderment and raised his brows, his mouth gaping open a bit. Sure, you were probably crazy, but...were you also right?

  He snapped out of his trance and shook his head, pursing his lips and staring at you with disapproval.

  "It's not your job to decide who gets to live or die, kid. Don't play with other people's lives."

  You stopped spinning and paused, then turned around to face him. Your E/C eyes were cold but somehow lively still, a tiny frown present on your face.

  "Do you really think I would listen to you? You heroes are pretty shitty and scummy, too. I've my research on some of your associates, and I gotta say, you're all a bunch of lowlife hypocrites."

  You stepped closer and eyed him up and down, then met your eyes with his.

  "Especially you, Takami Keigo."

  Hawks flinched and stared up at you with a hint of fear, his eyebrows furrowing together. "...How do you know that name?"

  "Doesn't matter. What matters is that you," You poked his chest with your finger, burning a steaming hole in his clothes as you hummed. "Are a disgusting hypocrite, just like the rest of them."

  Hawks felt anger and indignance rise up inside him. A villain was telling him that he was a hypocrite? You knew nothing about him. He wasn't like all of those other heroes that killed people behind the scenes, the ones who sexually harassed fans or went out on the streets looking for trouble. 

  You eyed Hawks with delight, watching as his annoyance became more apparent. Of course you weren't really meaning what you said, you just wanted to see what got him to tick. You thought that making him mad would be fun, but boy, you never thought it would be this fun. You smiled innocently at him and patted his chest with your hand, leaning in and purring into his ear.

  "You heroes are no different from us villains, Keigo. And you're the worst out of all of them."

  Hawks burst out of his restraints, tackling you to the floor with a loud growl. You yelped with surprise and quickly activated your quirk, your body radiating searing heat. Hawks glared down at you with contempt as he pinned you by your wrists, his gloves slowly starting to burn away. His brown eyes were filled with disgust and anger as he pierced your own surprised E/C ones, and he gritted his teeth as he spat down at you.

  "I am nothing like them."

  Your quirk died down as you stared up at him with the same surprised look, your mouth agape. There was nothing but silence in the observatory, and two nemeses left at a standstill. Hawks's now ungloved, singed hands squeezed your wrists tightly, before letting go as he got up. He threw one last cold glare at you before striding out of the observatory, his crimson wings flapping with fury as he took off. 

  A large grin formed on your face, your eyes widening with excitement as you sat up.

  "I'm gonna crack you, Hawks. Wait and see."

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