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"Man, you reeeeally gotta stop kidnapping me. I got things to do."

  "My man, you're a hero. What better things do heroes have to do expect save people and get involved in scandals?"

  Hawks laughed at your remark, his eyes twinkling with amusement under the blindfold. "I guess you're right. Are you some sort of hero connoisseur or somethin'?"

  "Nah, dude, fuck heroes. They suuuuck. You suck too, just, not as bad." 

  Hawks sighed and leaned back in the chair he was tied to, staring up at the ceiling through the cloth that handicapped him. "I see you reinforced those ropes you used on me last time."

  You grinned and hummed with pride, rocking back and forth on your heels. Since the last time you had abducted him, you had made sure to reinforce your ropes with various particles from inside the warehouse, including bones and sinew from your previous victims. Hawks peeked at you from under the long black fabric, tilting his head.

  "So, you got a villain name?"

  You blinked and shrugged, toying with a scalpel and dragging the flat side of the blade along your finger. "Nah. I never really thought about it before. Never really felt a need to have a name, since I've done a good job of keeping myself under the radar."

  "If you had one, what would it be?"

  You pondered the question, pausing your movements except for the gentle, repetitive tap of your foot on the ground. "Hmm...maybe...Laserbeam? Orrr...Lady Laser? I dunno, man, I'm really indecisive." 

  Hawks chortled, dipping his head to conceal his grin. "C'mon, kid, you can do better than that. Try again. Something more...villainous?"

  You pouted and strode towards him, stopping in front of him and folding your arms. "Hmph. Well, if you're so good at picking names, why don't you choose one for me?"

  He lifted his head, humming lowly. "Well, lemme get a good look at you."

  You removed his blindfold with one swift slice from your scalpel, slightly grazing the side of his face. Blood beaded from the cut and he whistled, squeezing and opening his eyes repeatedly to adjust to the room's light. "Man, careful with that thing. Almost sliced off my ear like Van Gogh."

  You laughed cheerily, staring at him amusedly as you dragged a finger down his cut to wipe off the crimson liquid. He winced slightly, watching as you licked the blood off of your stained digit seductively, your gaze never faltering.

  "Poor baby."

  He snorted, his warm honey-colored eyes twinkling with amusement as he eyed you up and down. Your H/C H/L hair was a bit messy, matching with your laid-back personality. Your E/C eyes sparkled childishly in the light, almost as if a toddler had spotted a new toy and was about to maim them. Your S/C skin glowed in the dim light as if you were a merciful goddess of fortune, which was ironic, considering you had kidnapped him and had threatened him numerous times. A sly smirk graced your plump, soft looking lips. Hawks tore his eyes away from you and hummed once again, thinking thoroughly about what name best suited you. After a while his golden-brown eyes flickered back to you, and he grinned lazily.

  "Red Angel."

  You stared at him with confusion, tilting your head. "Red Angel? Why?"

  He yawned, arching his torso slightly as he stretched in his bonds. "You kill people, obviously, so your hands're stained with blood. That's where I got the red part from. And you got a pretty face, like an angel, so therefore, Red Angel."

  You burst out laughing, doubling over and wheezing slightly. "Maaan, I've heard a lot of cheesy shit in my day, but this? Red Angel?!  Pfft! It's almost pitiful!"

  Hawks chuckled along with you, standing up and rolling his wrists around to get rid of the rigidness from being restrained. "Yeah, well, my first thought was Loki, after the god of mischief, but that'd be unoriginal and lame. I think that Red Angel suits you a lot better."

  You wiped a tear from your eyes, your laughter dying down and a blank expression settling on your face once you saw him looming over you. You jumped back, your whole body seething with red-hot warmth as you turned your whole body into a laser using your quirk in defense. Hawks snorted, running a hand through his baked-wheat colored hair as he stretched out his limbs. 

  "Not dissing on your restraints or anything, but they were still wayyyy too easy to get out of. Maybe try using some sort of rock or stronger metal next time? Just food for thought."

  You gaped at him with astonishment, watching as he pushed the door open and started to walk out. Your quirk slowly died out, and you were left once again staring at his back as he escaped from you. You swallowed hard, cheeks flushing and a sense of thrill bubbling inside you as you blurted out to him.

  "H-Hey, what's your name?!"

  Hawks paused and looked back at you with surprise, his eyebrows raised. "You mean you kidnapped me and you don't even know who I am?"

  "I-I mean, I know you're a hero, obviously, but like...who are you?"

  The winged hero roared with laughter, slapping a hand on his thigh as his whole body shook. "Man, you're real interesting, huh?! Ahahaha!"

  You observed him as he cackled, your heart thumping wildly in your chest as you felt a tingle wash throughout your body. This was him. This man was your fated arch nemesis. Soon, his laughter faltered and he looked up at you, his eyes shining with excitement.

  "The name's Hawks. But you can call me Bird Man, Winged Idiot, or anythin' you'd like, really."

  You inhaled sharply as he walked out of the building, your cheeks still burning and the goosebumps never leaving your skin as he shut the door carefully behind him. 

  "Hawks, huh?"

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