The Twelfth Order: Prologue [I Cannot Escape]

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I Cannot Escape!

The Twelfth Order: Prologue

            Volleyball after school, and coach made me put all the equipment away, so I had to walk out late. I swung my gym bag over my shoulder, pushed the door open, and peered into the hall. I breathed heavily as I remembered yesterday, he had found his way and found me, and he could find me today. The hallway looked to be set up perfect for a horror movie, lonely and no one else in sight. Avery, you don't have to worry, I told myself. I blew a misplaced hair out of my face, then walked into the hallway.

            Lights flickered above my head, my pace quickened. I felt the uneasiness of someone on my tail, someone watching me. Sweat poured off my face, I felt the heat underneath my sweatshirt. The dim light made me squint; trying to focus in any movements that could be going on around me, but the only thing moving was the sway of my dark hair. My head bobbed back and forth looking both ways, towards each set of lockers, at the bathroom doors- feeling like there was a pair of eyes watching me. But, like always, no one was there.

            I stood against a row of lockers, leaning my head up towards the ceiling, closing my eyes as I did so. No one is there, I thought to myself, shaking my head aggressively. He isn't coming back. I slid myself down the lockers and sat on the ground. My body felt limp, my legs spread apart and my neck slumped down where my hair waterfall over, covering my face. I will be safe, he doesn't know where I am.

            Something wet dripped down on the back of my neck. I took my hand and wiped the back of my neck of the liquid. When I observed it, it was red, and had that smell. Human blood. I sniffed the tip of my finger, it was definitely someone's blood. I slowly turned my head up towards the ceiling again, and when I am looking directly at the words, "Yes I Am" written in blood, a drop fell directly on my left cheek.

            I screamed. He knew where I was, he is back, and I was definitely not safe. I scrambled to a standing position, and did my best to run while looking for any other signs of him. I heard his laugh. The laugh I always heard through the speaker of my phone, always shear pain in my ears, but now it was walking distance away. My breathing quickened, and I felt the tears breaking the surface. Footsteps were quickening in the background. I looked back, and there was his shadowed silhouette, from the end of the hall, the bench- everywhere.

            I then found myself crying in the middle of the hallway, my head on the cold tile, waiting for him to attack. I could never escape his presence, not even once. He was stuck with me forever, and I could not run away from that. I screamed once again as I heard his footsteps, quicker and quicker right towards my body. I felt he was about to impale whatever weapon he had in his hand, but then everything went silent, a calming silence, maybe I was in heaven.

            "Avery!" I heard Riley scream my name, then repeat it, shaking me. But not every word was clarified. I squinted my eyes open, and everything was a haze, blurry people in the background, but I could definitely make out Grayson in the crowd.

            I kept my squinted eyes open, keeping my vision on him. I needed to see his beautiful eyes before I die, before I was killed.

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