The Twelfth Order: Chapter Three [Damages]

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Chapter Three: Damages

Saturday, April 22, 2011

Grayson's Car

1:05 PM

           The car ride was filled with silence, an uncomfortable silence. I felt Grayson tensing up next to me, looking through the windshield with a distinct look, hands tight around the steering wheel, and a not a word since we left the parking lot. I just looked outside the window, thinking about how I could get away with this, I am going to be right next to a fucking court for crying out loud!

            I needed tools first if I wanted to get something done. Maybe items from my purse would work, painting nail polish on the windows and beating the metal with my hair brush could be a vandillisim taken as a joke. Whoever owned that car would be laughing harder then a singing kookaburra. An autobody was nearby, with my thirty dollars I could possibly buy a cheap hammer, some spray paint, and a pack of nails. Or Grayson might of had something useful in his trunk, but I would think he would not be the guy to carry tools around with him.

            "You're quiet," I mumble as I turn away from the window and look towards him, he glances towards me then places his eyes back on the road.

            "You're not starting any conversation, don't blame me."

            "I'm not, it's just you're too quiet, what's wrong?"

            "You're asking me what's wrong?" He questions in disbelief. "I found you crying on the phone, running away saying you need to go... to a store? You were rushing and crying because you had to go to a store!"

            I quickly come up with an excuse. "My mom is there," I pause and then I continue my fake story. "She was yelling at me on the phone, telling me that I had to be there a while ago. That's why my brother was trying to pick me up, to take me to the store. But I rather not be in a car with him rambling on about how much he's in trouble because of mom yelling at him."

            He looked as if he bought it. I sigh in relief in my head. "But you were crying?"

            "She was tough on me, that's all."

            "You were crying?" He raises an eyebrow at me. "The girl who never cries."

            "That's right," I breathe.

            "But, what about last night on chat, then you got a call? Someone called you at two in the morning? Then you exited out of the chat."

            My heart quickened. He still did not believe the story I told him this morning, but I was not going to leave that one hanging, I was going to make him believe that story. "I told you already. I was checking a voicemail, and I heard my mom coming up the stairs, so I had to go."

            "Oh c'mon Avery!" He shouted. "That's not true and you know it."

            "It is fucking true!" I had to get out of here before he asked anymore questions. "Just park here, it isn't far."

            "No, I'm not letting you out until you tell me-"

            "Park the damn car!"

            Quickly he turned next to the sidewalk, and I sped out of the passenger seat and into the pouring rain. I knew where I was by just looking at the scenery, eighth street, seventh street was not far from here.

            I ran passing only a couple of people with their raincoats an umbrellas, until I am at the other end of the sidewalk, next to the bakery and I am drenched as I am waiting to cross the street. I felt bad for Grayson, he was only trying to help. I basically just pushed him away from me when I ran out of that car, yelled at him angrilly, and lying. He knew I was lying too, that was a big part of this.

            As I am about to walk across the street where I would find the court house, my arms feel like they are tied behind my back, and I am pulled away from where I wanted to go. Where I needed to go. I think it is the man who has found me, and was angry about how I have taken to long to murder the car. I start to scream, and then a hand goes across my mouth. I start kicking and elbowing whoever was holding me, I try to run away until I hear something.

            "Avery, it's me! Calm down!"

            It was Grayson, I stopped screaming, and kicking. But I pulled away so I could view him. His hair was soaked, and his face seemed hurt yet surprised. He still held onto my arm, knowing I would escape when I had the chance. We just stared at each other, studying our every move.

            He led me to a nearby metal table which was underneath the bakery's awning. He had me sit down on one of the chairs, while he sat down across from me, near the street that I had to cross, so he could catch me at any moment. He leaned back in his seat crossing his arms, looking towards the edge of the table. He did not really pay any attention to me, I could maybe just walk away, but I knew he wanted me to stay.

            "Avery," he finally says, then looks up towards me, his brown eyes glowing. "There's something going on."

            "Yeah, and my mom needs me," I start to stand up, but he stands up quicker and blocks me from trying to leave.                                    

            "I'm serious, what's going on?" He sternly looks down at me, demanding an answer. I bite my lip, knowing I could not get out of this easilly.

            "I can't tell you," I whisper. "I can't tell anyone-- you, my parents, Ronnie-Jay, Riley, Jennette--anyone. So you might aswell just go and pick up Riley and Jennette, because I'm not telling you anything."

           "And what if I just stayed here?"

           "Then I'm in deep trouble and I don't know the consequences," I shot up from my seat and through the rain I went. I wasn't going to let him stop me.

            "Avery, you can tell me, I promise I'll keep it between you and me."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2011 ⏰

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