Overworked (Intrulogical)

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!!TW: Overworking, crying, unsympathetic Patton and Virgil, Logan angst, talk of murder and violence, headaches!!

Ship: Intrulogical
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Requested by outsidemywindow2
(Roman is absent in this fic because u!roman is just not good for me mentally, sorry!)

(3rd Person Pov)

21 hours, 19 minutes, and 37 seconds of nonstop work. Logan realizes how important sleep is, but he's not truly a human being so these back-to-back working hours shouldn't effect him. At least that's what he tells himself when he noticed that the constant work had seem to take a toll on him.

Logan's head throbs with a migraine as he continues to edit Roman's rough draft for the next video. He knows Roman doesn't mean to, but his loopy hand writing and the pink glitter gel pen make it insanely painful for Logan to read.

After another hour of work, and a more intense headache, Logan decides to take a small break to grab some toast with Crofters on it. Besides, the video draft is about 3/4ths done so he only has the last bit left. Soon enough it'll be ready to be seen. The man wearing glasses rises from his chair, his joints popping as he stretches.

Logan walks into the light side kitchen where Patton was cooking something while Virgil scrolled on his phone. Once hearing the footsteps, Patton looks up and smiles at Logan. "Ah, hello Logan, are you finally done with the editing?"

"Not quite, I still have approximately a fourth left." Logan says, voice shaking slightly.

"Umm.. so why are you out here? I mean, Thomas wants to release a video soon and you're not even working. Patton said, his face calm but his eyes full of anger.

"Patton I'm trying my hardest to work diligently, it just takes some time to go over each part of the plot." Logan says, clenching his fists. Virgil groans and hops off the counter.

"I don't understand what's so hard about it. You literally edit ideas. You don't even make them yourself! Roman writes the scripts and creates the plot! All you do is work out the 'formalities' or whatever. Roman is actually working right now, you're just being lazy." Virgil finishes, with an eye roll.

"I apologize for my tone, but are you fucking kidding me?! I work nonstop for 24 hours and the moment I take a small break for food you get angry at me! I'm sorry that proofreading, editing, and fact checking a 20-50 minute video takes a rather sizable amount of time!" Logan shouts, not paying mind to the tears now streaking down his red face.

"Don't you dare tell me that I'm being lazy, Virgil! That is one of the largest falsehoods you've ever spoken. I work so damn hard. When I'm not working on a video, I'm putting logic to use in Thomas' every day life. I know that it's my function, that is why I don't complain about it. But for you to tell me that it's easy and I'm being lazy?! I will not tolerate that. No wonder Roman spends so much time working, he probably doesn't want to spend his spare time around the two of you."

Patton and Virgil stare at the usually composed side, their mouths hanging open at his free flowing tears. Patton clears his throat to respond but a loud voice breaks him off.

"Alright fuckers, why is Logan crying?! I swear if any of you hurt him I will bash your skull with my morning star until your brains are splattered as high as the roof!"

Virgil scoffs and crosses his arms. "We didn't even do anything, all we did was talk about his stupid overdue script. Not our fault he got so mad."

Shut up! He's doing as much as physically possible! Maybe it would be easier if you two didn't put so much damn pressure on him! Shocker, I know, but maybe he would be more efficient if he actually had time to sleep and take breaks! Godammit
Remus glares at the moral and anxious side as he pulls Logan into a hug before sinking both him and his sobbing boyfriend into his bedroom.

Logan is placed softly onto the dark side's bed, still holding on Remus' sash. They lay together silently for a while, before Logan speaks up,

"I'm sorry."

"What? Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong at all." Remus gives him a quizzical look but Logan's eyes are focused on his hands.

"I'm not working fast enough, I let my emotions become far too strong, and I made you take care of me. Thank you, but so should really get back to the script." He mumbled, attempting to get up. Remus softly pulled him back down and kissed his forehead.

"You're working so much, too much to be honest. Emotions aren't a bad thing and it's not safe to keep them locked up. Plus, I want to spend time with you, I haven't been able to do that the past couple days. So how about we forget about the assholes and their unrealistic standards and let's just relax. Please?"

"Well if you insist, I suppose I could take a break." Logan says, now smiling slightly.

"Awesome!" Remus shouts, conjuring more than enough snacks to eat. He pulls the blanket over himself and his boyfriend and turns on some Bill Nye, everyone's favorite science guy. After, they turn on a space documentary, further relaxing the overworked side.

"Hey Remus?" Logan says as he quietly yawns.

"Yeah dork?" He responds as he plays with Logan's soft hair.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

A smile is exchanged between the lovers before they soon drift off to sleep. After all, Remus can always kill Patton and Virgil in the morning, Logan is far more important.

955 words

sorry it took so long, i've been drowning in work lately. i've gotten some motivation back now, hopefully it'll last :)

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