Captured Pt3 (Analogince)

59 8 23

!!TW: non-detailed rape, pedophilia, torture, nudity, blood, knives, burning, forced marriage!!

Fem!Side + Fantasy AU

Ships: Analogince, Moceit
Genre: Angst with a happy ending

(3050 words)


(London Pov)

The strawberry blond hair glows brightly on my palm as the tracking spell works it's magic. The hair floats up, bending into an arrow shape, pointing towards one of the many towers on the large castle. Once I get in, I should be able to get into the tower. I can use an invisibility spell to get in, moving quickly before it wears off after approximately 5 minutes.

I walk towards the large castle, trying to look as discreet as possible. I glance around, making sure that I'm alone. Once the coast is clear I cast the invisibility spell. My 5 minutes have begun.

I silently run through the blocked door, dodging the guards. The main floor is covered with guards and castle workers. With much difficulty I make it to the empty staircase. Once I've ran up a few of the twisted steps, the enchantment has burnt out and I'm visible once more. As I continue to walk up the stairs, the hair glows brighter, signaling that I'm getting closer.

I continue to tread up the twisted stairs, but my mission is delayed when I am hit by someone running down the opposite way. We both tumble down the stairs, falling until we reach a small platform. I use their current dizzy state to grab my dagger and press it against their neck, careful not to harm them.

"What the fuck- Em! I'm on the stairs! Someone has a-" I push the knife closer, now grazing his skin, causing him to go silent.

"I'm not here to hurt you, but I won't hesitate if necessary. Tell me, do you work here?" A head shake. "Are you royalty then?"Another head shake. "Well then, state your name and why you're here."

"My name is Remy. I'm here because this is where I live. What I want to know is why you're here." I open my mouth to give a vague answer but before I'm able to, another person runs down the stairs.

"Holy- Remy are you ok? Hey! Put the dagger down please. We don't want trouble. Just calm down, let's try to assess the situation. If you'd let him go, I'm sure we can help you if it's a noble cause." The half-fairy says, rather calmly for the situation. I sigh and pull my dagger away from 'Remy'.

"Thank you! Now, you seem like a lovely person so I'll try to be respectful to you. I'm Emile, I use fae/faer pronouns. Due to the crest on your cloak, I'm guessing you're from the Pâquerette Kingdom. Our kingdoms haven't been on the best of terms but you're kingdom is known to be kind. I hope that you can uphold that reputation. How about you introduce yourself and your motive now?"

(Pâquerette translates to "daisy" in french)

"Fine. My name is London Williams, you can use she/they pronouns for me. I am here to recover Princess Rosalyn of the Pâquerette Kingdom. She was kidnapped by your king last night for his own wicked intentions. I will fight until she has been recovered and you cannot stop me." I say, glaring at the both of them. Though they each look like good people, I know looks can be deceiving.

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