Dark (Prinxiety)

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!!TW: Panic attacks, crying, a small amount of blood and injuries!!

Ship: Prinxiety
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort
Human Collage AU
Requested by Pi_demon
1133 Words

(Roman pov)
I'm not afraid of anything, but especially not the dark. That would be childish and irrational. The dark isn't even something that could hurt me. It's just lack of light, what's so scary about that? I'll tell you what. Nothing. It's not scary.


So why am I scared? Why am I silently crying on my bed as the clock hits 3am? Why do the raindrops hitting the roof make me shake? Every creeping shadow makes my heart pound.

I've tried to sleep. But even when my eyes are closed so tight it hurts, I stay awake, listening to the howling wind threatening to break down the window.

I know that my boyfriend would surely be awake at this time, as he often stays up until 4am. I don't want to bother him with my irrational fears, however, so I'll be fine alone.

A particularly loud rumble of thunder causes me to jump, my twisted blankets getting even more tangled. I'm trapped. Oh god, I'm stuck in the dark. I cant move. This blanket is choking me. I thrash as hard as I can, fighting against my cottony captor. Instead of being freed however, I fall over the edge of my bed. I hit the ground with a loud thud and cry harder, bruises already forming on my shaking frame.

A light from the hallway flips on before a few pairs of footsteps walk out of their rooms, murmuring between themselves. Shit shit shit. Without really thinking, I bite my arm, desperately trying to silence my pained sobs, yet causing myself more pain. It didn't seem to work though, considering the footsteps were now headed to my room.

My doorknob shakes a little. Thank Disney for my lock. "Ro? Are you ok in there kiddo?" I stay quiet and bite harder. On one hand, I'd love to me comforted by my friends and boyfriend. On the other, stronger hand I don't want them to see my weak and cowardly side. I'm the prince, not a two year old who sobs about the dark and storms.

One of my dorm-mates run down the hall before coming back with a jingling object. They're silent for a moment, maybe giving up.

The door swings open, letting light as well as my friends enter my room. "Princey?"

Oh no, this is bad. Don't let yourself be spotted, or they'll know how pathetic you really are. Their footsteps echo in my head as my vision fills with static. I continue bitting, staying as still as I can under my blanket, hoping they won't see me.

Nothing ever goes my way though, does it?

"Ahem Patton, Virgil, judging by the small movements from the heap of blankets on the floor, I'd assume Roman is under them." I hear the slightly muffled but still familiar voice of Logan say.

My one layer of protection is pulled off of me slowly. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to act asleep. Their voices sound too loud. The lights are too bright. My head is spinning and my body is throbbing with pain. Get me out of here.

(Virgil Pov)
"Princey? Oh shit- Logan what do I do?! He's bitting his arm, do I just pry his mouth off? Fuck, his arm's bleeding. Oh lord. Babe? Roro? Roman? Logan please do something, I don't know what I'm doing. Fuck I'm panicking." Patton gently pulls me off of my boyfriend. We do a few breathing exercises as Logan tries to get Roman to snap out of his dazed trance.

"Alright, there you go. You're doing great. Let go of your arm, it's ok. Hey, don't scratch it. You're alright now. Can you name 5 things you can see?"

Roman chokes on a small sob, as he looks around his room for an answer. "Y-You.. Patt... Vi.. the h-hallway light... my closet-t?"

"Perfect, Roman. Can you name 4 things you can feel?"

"M-My pajama p-pants.. your hand o-on my arm... the blanket.. my t-tears."

"3 things you can hear?"

"The AC, your v-voice, Virgil's breathing."

"2 things you can smell?"

"My sweat and your cologne."

"1 thing you can taste?"


"Alright, thank you Roman. You did amazing. Do you think you're feeling a little better now?" Logan says calmly, motioning for Patton and I to come over now. Roman is silent for a little before he nods, keeping his head down as to not show his very visible tears.

"Princey what's the matter?"


He looks up at me with his tear filled eyes, showing vulnerability I've seen only a few times before.

"I.. can Patt and Lo leave first? It's kinda stupid and it's really l-late." Roman whispers, obviously embarrassed about this whole ordeal. I glance to our friends who are already exiting the room.

"Roman I assure you that it's not stupid, but for your privacy, Patton and I will leave." Logan says, quietly closing the door behind him.

"So, what's going on inside that head of yours?" I whisper, running my hand through his sweaty hair. Roman leans into my touch and lets me wipe his tears as he tried to form an answer.

"Hey, storm cloud? W-Would you think less of me if I was afraid of something silly or dumb?.." He mumbles into my shoulder.

"Of course I wouldn't. I'm basically the embodiment of anxiety Ro, I have a lot of idiotic fears. Now, what's up?" I say as I hold him closer.



Roman starts crying harder as he shouts, "I'm scared of the dark!" He sobs violently as he buries his face into his shaking hands. "It's s-so childish and pathetic! I'm s-supposed to be brave! I'm so sorry I let-t you down. I'm a coward."

My heart shatters as I see my boyfriend let his walls down. I hold him tightly, rocking back and forth slowly.

"Ro... why would you ever think that you let me down? I love you so much. A few fears won't change that. Hell, I'm scared of butterflies yet I don't see you leaving me for that? Why? Because we love each other. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

He looks up at me with hopeful eyes. "If you'd allow me, I love you too Virge... even if you're scared of butterflies." Roman adds with a giggle. "Now, I'm rather tired from this whole ordeal. Would you be a dear and let me snuggle you in your very soft bed?"

I roll my eyes and kiss him passionately. "If we must , I suppose it would be alright. Just let me bandage your arm first." He smiles while tucking my stray hairs behind my ear gently.

"That could be arranged, mi amour."

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