Captured Pt 2 (Analogince)

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!!TW: Very heavily implied rape, pedophilia, attempted rape, nudity, kind of heated scene!!

Fem!Side + Fantasy AU

Ships: Analogince, Moceit
Genre: Angst (Eventual happy ending)

2060 Words

a picture of ro i drew before writing this

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a picture of ro i drew before writing this. i was practicing backgrounds and dresses. the story was actually based on the drawing. i know it's not amazing but i hope you guys like it :)


(Payton Pov)

"His name is Prince Justin of the Hidden Kingdom. I'm almost certain he's the one who has our daughter." I say, feeling sick at the thought of him anywhere near Rosie.

"We were friends since our youth. He was the sweetest person I knew. Justin was the best... until we turned 16. He told me that I was 'the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on' and that he 'wanted us to be together until the end'. He then got on one knee and pulled out a ring. I wish it could've gone differently. When I told him I was lesbian, he was enraged. Justin said he could f-fix me..."

I cry silently into Janice's shoulder, hating the memories of what happened that day. "It's alright dear, you can do it. What happened with Justin?"

"Reina and London please cover your ears. Jan... He tried to r-rape me. I was shoved onto the floor. He ripped off my clothes. I was so so s-scared. He was busy unzipping his pants when I grabbed a v-vase and smashed it on his head. The hit thankfully knocked him out long enough for me to escape. I remember tossing my cardigan on and running to my room. For the rest of the night I was t-terrified. I locked m-my door and hid in the closet h-holding the densest book I could f-find. When I woke up he'd already left. I told my family that I would not be meeting with Justin again due to p-personal reasons. They luckily respected my wish and I never had to speak to him again."

I pull myself off of my wife's shoulder, to see everyone looking at me with concern and sorrow. I also see that Reina and London didn't cover their ears. I sigh and hop of of the bed. "That wasn't the end of it though. Justin send me a l-letter on my 19th birthday, the year I gave birth to the twins**. I can grab it now.. I don't want to recite it aloud." I mumble, walking to the door to grab it.

—**A well known sorceress created a potion that gives women the ability to bear children without sperm. The potion is mixed with a strand of one parent's hair and is then digested by the other mom. The parent who drank the potion now becomes pregnant with using both mother's dna. The children will most likely look the most like the parent who ingested the potion (due to growing in their body).**—

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