Captured Pt1 (Logince)

97 8 25

!!TW: Kidnapping, chloroform, talk of torture, small (for now) injuries, implications of pedophilia, slight nudity!!

Fem!Sides + Fantasy AU

Human Princess Roman + Remus
Sorcerer Logan
Half snake Queen Janus and her human wife, Queen Patton
Vampire Henchman Virgil (Don't worry, she's actually good)

Ships: Logince (possible analogince?), Mociet
Genre: Angst (it'll have a happy ending eventually)

Fem Names: Ro=Rosalyn, Lo=London, Ja=Janice, Pa=Payton, Re=Reina, Vi=Veronica

-1410 words-


(Roman- I mean- Rosalyn Pov)

Just a Friday night. A night I'd been wanting for so long. It was a beautiful night, why did it have to go so wrong?

I run a brush through my hair, singing quietly to myself. It's currently 11:30 pm, which means I only need to wait one more hour before I finally go on a date with the woman I've been pining after for years. Sure midnight is a little late, but it's when London gets off of her shift at the potions and spells shop. Plus, dancing in the moonlight before stargazing on the grass sounds very romantic.

Suddenly, I hear a soft knock on my door. Lo must have gotten off early today for our date. "Coming! I'm just gonna get my shoes on, then we can go!" I say, slipping my ballet flats on before I walk to the door and open it.

I wish I hadn't.

Almost immediately a rag is pressed to my face, covering my nose and mouth. The smell of acetone overwhelms me as the tall figure carefully tosses me over their shoulder. I hear my kidnapper whisper a small apology before everything fades to black.

(London Pov)

I must admit, Rosalyn being late is a rather common occurrence, but she's never this late. It's currently 12:45 am, which is 3/4ths of an hour later than the dates scheduled start time. This means that there a few possibilities as to why Rose didn't show. The first theory is that she simply forgot, as she often gets lost in thought, this is very plausible. She could've just stood me up, but it doesn't seem like something she likely considering how excited she was when I asked her on a date. The third possibility is that something happened that prevented her from showing up. I'm pleading that it's the first one.

I walk from the royal garden, our planned meeting spot, into the castle and up to Rosalyn's room. The open door and empty room add to my panic immensely. I run down the hall to Reina's room and knock loudly. I hear a groan and shuffling inside before the half naked princess opens the door.

"Hey Miss Simping Sorceress, whatcha doing at my door? Rosie's room is down the hall specs."

"I'm quite aware. Princess Rosalyn isn't in her room, however, and I'm fearing for her safety."

As soon as I state that her sister is missing, Reina's eyes widen and any drowsiness she previously had disappears in an instance. She slams the door, emerging seconds later in a pair of slacks and an unbuttoned button-up.

"Why didn't you fucking say so? I knew I heard something earlier! Dammit, come on dork, we gotta tell my moms!" She says sprinting down the hall. I quickly bolt after her and we continue running until we reach the queens' room. Reina bangs on the door repeatedly, not stopping until it opens. A tired looking Queen Janice stands at the entrance, blankets draped over herself all the way down to the end of her tail.

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