~Chapter 2 - Jealous~

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Karl's POV

Eh...Now I have to go to Nick's house because I can't just leave him hanging...What if I make it awkward and it's gonna be quiet and I know it because I always make it go bad...I zoned out when I was walking to Nick's house and I tripped onto the floor, and I got up but felt a liquid running out my nose...Could...It be?... I touched my nose and I looked at my hand and it was blood... What the hell!... I wiped my nose off... I walked towards Nick's front door and I knocked.. The door opens and I see Nick with a white hoodie and with some black shorts... I looked up at him and smiled, he smiled at me and let me in and I saw the inside of his house. It was clean and sparkling, I smiled and walked and Nick looked at me with a friendly smile and said "Feel free to look around and when you're done meet me in my room!" He looked away and walked upstairs into his room and left it slightly open. I smiled and started looking around but I stopped and went upstairs and opened the door and I saw that Nick wasn't there...Hm maybe he's in here! I walked in without hesitating and I should have thought before I opened it because I saw him shirtless and... "U-uh.." He looked at me nervously... I looked at him up and down and blushed and ran and closed the door and sat on his covering my face and trying to hide that I was blushing and my face was red. He came out with a shirt on and I saw that he was blushing a little and he sat next to me. It was silent until he spoke "So...Uh...Wanna watch a movie..." He looked down with a nervous expression, I looked at him and I said "S-sure..." I looked back down and blushed and still had that image on my head where he was shirtless...I-I... I can't believe I walked on him changing- "Uh...Let's go..." He grabbed my hand and took me downstairs and let go of my hand after we got in front of the couch. I sat down next to him and he sat down with me but really close to me... I blushed and looked away. He turned on the tv and put on a scary movie called "Chainsaw Massacre". We watched and hours past and there was a scene that showed a person getting murdered and I got scared and hugged Nick tightly. He looked at me and grinned and put his hand over me and I looked and I blushed and smiled...Guess I really do like him...

Sapnap's POV

Oh jeez.... He really is that cute... B-but... I still can't believe he walked on me changing- Uh... Wait... Did Karl fall asleep on me- I looked over and saw that Karl was asleep on my chest. God... He's so cute when he sleeps... Hm... I leaned over to Karl and pecked his forehead and continued watching the horror movie. A few hours passed and I realized he was waking up so I turned to him and- "Good Morning sleeping beauty!" He opened his eyes and blushed a little. I also blushed but he didn't move so I just stayed in this position for a little... Until he spoke "I'm hungry..." I looked at him and smiled, and I responded "Okay i'll make pancakes.." I smiled and got up slowly and walked towards the kitchen and opened the pantry and got ingredients and started making pancakes. I looked at Karl and I saw that he was half asleep and I chuckled and smiled.... Jeez I wish we were more than friends...

Karl's POV

Ughh....What happened last night....? Wait... DID I SLEEP ON NICK- Oh my god... I did... But he felt so comfortable.... hm...Oh yeah...he's making pancakes... I should go home...I got up and got my jacket and backpack and packed my phone. He looked at me and said "Going home already?" He said with a curious face, I responded "Yeah..." I said looking down, I felt bad but... "You can stay another night if you want..." He said with a nervous face, I looked at him and thought about it... I mean it couldn't hurt to stay another night, right..? I nodded with a smile and placed down my stuff and walked over to Nick and helped him make pancakes. A few minutes passed and the pancakes were done. We sat down and ate and Nick was on his phone and I was on my phone looking through twitter until my favorite streamer tweeted, they said "lol". I liked the post and Nick chuckled and placed his phone down and looked at me. I looked at him back and he said "Hey, do you like mc?" He said with curiosity, I nodded. "Cool! Do you stream?" He said with a smile, I looked at him and nodded and looked down. He had a surprised face and responded "Cool I also stream!" He said while eating his pancakes, I asked "What's your user?" He looked at me and responded "Sapnap" He said with a chuckle. My mouth dropped and I shook my head "No way..." He looked at me and nodded "Yeah I am and what about you?" I looked at him in shock and I responded "I-Am KarlJacobs-" He smiled and said "Oh my god, you're also that streamer!" I looked at him in surprise that he knew me and I blushed. "Well, wanna hangout in my room?" He said with a smile, I nodded and we cleaned our plates and headed upstairs to his room. He laid down and looked at me and said "You can lay down with me if you want." I looked at him blushing and I layed right next to him and I saw that he was on his phone. I looked away and he got up and went to the bathroom... He left his phone on his bed!? His phone buzzed and I was curious so I looked and saw that a person texted him saying hi...D-does he have a girlfriend..? I shook my head and sat up looking down and a tear dropped from my cheek. Oh... I think he already has a girlfriend...I'm happy for him... I cried and heard Nick coming out of the bathroom and I looked away wiping my tears. He looked at me and sat next to me. "What's wrong?" He looked at me with a glare, I looked down and I didn't respond and looked away. He got annoyed and hugged me, I started to cry. He saw that I was crying and put his on my face and I turned to him. He sighed "Why are you...crying?" I looked at him and I didn't respond again, he frowned and hugged me tightly "Please respond...I don't like to see you cry..." I looked at him and I finally spoke to him "You have a girlfriend don't you...." He looked at me and turned away and looked back at me "I... uh...that's my best friend heh.." I looked at him and I was embarrassed and looked away. He chuckled and smiled and I looked at him, he stared deeply into my eyes and he leaned and kissed me on the lips. I was shocked and slowly closed my eyes and I kissed him back. We had a make out session but he stopped and smiled "So, you did like me back?" I looked at him and I blushed and nodded. He chuckled and kissed me again. I can't believe it...He loves me back!

Sapnap's POV

He likes me back... Heh... I knew it... He is too adorable anyway but...I wanna do more...Hm...

(To be Continued)

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