~Fell - Chapter 6~

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Sapnap's POV

I saw that George and Karl walked somewhere else. Hm, I wonder what they might be doing right now. I shrug it off as I look over at Clay, he had a confused face. "So..." Clay smiled and looked at the sky.

"TImes are pretty rough huh?" I nod as I look at the stars with him. "Yeah especially when people make fun of us..." I hum in response. We started off not talking and it was pretty awkward but I finally thought of a topic to talk about.

We started telling jokes and getting along pretty good. His tone started to sound serious when I brought up my relationship with Karl.

"Can you promise something...?" I nodded and he sighed "Promise that you will never hurt Karl." I never thought Dream would ask me that, I don't know how to respond. "I-I...I promise.." He smiled and we continued talking.

He had to go to the bathroom so the conversation ended there. As he was walking away I saw a girl sit down next to me. I had no intention in talking with the person next to me. I felt something tap my shoulder.

I looked at the girl and she waved, I smiled awkwardly. We started talking about music and what type. Time passed and I was wondering where Dream was. I got off guard and I didn't know she was leaning in.

I felt her lips touch with mine, my eyes widened. I tried to push her away but it was like she tightly grabbed me.

Karl's POV

My eyes widened and tears formed in my eyes. Tears were dropping down my face. I couldn't believe it... Nick is really doing this. I could see Nick saw me because he finally pushed the girl, he got up and ran towards me.

I dropped my teddy bear and ran off bursting in tears. I didn't know where I was going, all I knew I was trying to get away from the others. I heard Nick yelling my name, but I ignored it. I didn't know how to feel right now.

I slowed down and looked around, a bench was near and I sat down. I wiped my tears and looked down the whole time. I heard my phone buzz a few times and I can tell that Nick and the others tried calling me.

Why...Why did he do this? Why did he cheat!? I thought that he cared... I should have seen this coming. But why does he do it? All these thoughts in my head started to make my head hurt.

I needed to be alone for a while, I don't wanna worry about what's going on right now. I looked up a little and saw them. I panicked and put on my frog hoodie so I could stay hidden. I sniffled a bit and curled up in a ball. I placed my face on the top of my knees.

They passed by and I looked up and it was raining, I sighed. It was night already, I picked up my phone and I saw hundreds of calls from Nick and the others. I got another call from George and I decided to pick up the phone call.

"Hello?" I sniffed and I could hear the others talking. "Hey Karl, are you okay?" I took a moment and I sighed "No George, I just saw Nick kiss someone..." I tried to hold back tears but I bursted without meaning to.

"Why would he do that...?" I didn't answer because I didn't know why. "Well you don't have to answer that, we're all worried right now and we don't know where you are..." I hummed a response.

"I'm at the park near the theme park, I'm sitting on a bench..." I wiped my tears and hung up because I could tell that Nick was there, I didn't want to see him right now. I could hear people talking and calling my name.

I answered back and they came rushing towards me, Nick was walking behind them looking down. George and Clay hugged me and they had very worried faces.

We walked home and we finally arrived. I waved at George and Clay as they walked together. I realized my stuff was still in Nick's house. I didn't see him anywhere so I assumed he was inside already. I sighed and walked in, I went towards his room and knocked.

There was no answer, I opened the door and saw that Nick was sitting down just looking down.I felt bad honestly but he cheated on me, but I can't just give him the silent treatment. I sat down next to him, it was awkward.

"Hey..." I said looking at him, "Hey.." It was silent for a while but I finally got the courage to ask him. "Nick... Why did you..." He interrupted me "I didn't... They just kissed me and I tried...to push them..." I could tell he was trying to hold back tears from his eyes.

I sighed and hugged him "If that's how it really went...I'm sorry for misunderstanding..." He nodded and hugged me back. I kissed him on the lips.

Sapnap's POV

When he kissed me on the lips, my eyes widened. Tears dropped down my face, I thought we were over for something I didn't do. I'm glad that he is forgiving but I'm still mad at myself for talking to that lady.

Maybe if I didn't talk to that lady this wouldn't have happened and this would be a great day. At least we are still together. I still love him and I don't want our relationship to end like that. We only dated for 3 or 4 days. Well at least I saved the promise and I didn't forget.

(To be continued)

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