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"A lot of happened, Joon. It's..." Yoongi sighed again as he tried to recollect his memories that he doesn't want to remember it again. Seeing the struggling man to told the story, Jin moved next to Yoongi and patted his back. 

Gaining his composure back, Yoongi continued, "The last case I had 4 years ago, made me a lot of enemies. And I was captured after being fucki-" 

"Language, mister!" Jin said as he punched the man slightly. 

"-Drug. The next time I awake, I was in arena ring," he continued as he shut his eyes. Memories where he must fight, and killed to survive. His body started to trembling a little as his adrenaline increasing. Hoseok quickly sat on another side of Yoongi and patting his back, giving him assurance. 

Namjoon too is no better, as he is in deep thought, trying to guess the rest of the story as he didn't want his older brother to finished the story just to see him in pain. Namjoon silently grateful that Yoongi had a dreadful past that made him a good fighter. Slowly the puzzle started to complete, but there's still a lot of missing pieces.

"Why wait for 4 years, Yoon? To come back to us?" Namjoon asked. He knew Yoongi is strong enough to runaway as he is success doing so once in the past, why not twice.

Except he is not planning to runaway alone. Before Yoongi can response, Namjoon raised his hand to stop Yoongi to talked. 

"Four years ago, in that arena. She is the reward, and knowing that is your mate, you can't recklessly runaway. That's why you can't escape," Namjoon said. He saw Yoongi shocked face, amused that his smart brother guess it right.

"On my second battle, the reward is her, after that I only fight just to protect her," corrected Yoongi.

"They are much more worst. Really worst than the past I had." Yoongi took a deep breathed before he continues, "They used female to forcing them in heat in the middle of arena, made us to use our instinct to claimed the female hybrid."

The atmosphere getting darker as Namjoon released his strong and dominant pheromone, so do Jin and Hoseok. Their eyes getting darker. Hearing every word Yoongi said is something made them more mad, angry, and sad. Especially when they know what happened to their mate, they could imagine the agony of her face if Yoongi didn't win and raped or mated by others.  

"That's where I get this scar in my right eyes. And since I know she is my mate, I claimed, marked, and mated her after the fight. After that, I fight for her, while they used me as their fighter, they threatened me that they will torture her if I don't fight. And sorry, I marked and mated her fir-"

"No, don't. You did that to protect her." Jin cut Yoongi's voice. 

"Yeah, you did great Yoongi-ah, and you didn't know that we all had the same mate," said Hoseok as he looked at Yoongi and smiled. 

Yoongi looked at Namjoon, seeing his demeanor and aura deadly. Hell, he is scared that Namjoon will really kill him. Their eyes met, and at the moment he realized that Namjoon is not angry at him but he is angry because what our mate and he went through. He really is blessed to have a brother like him. 

"There is something that I can't guess," Namjoon said after he composed himself. 

"Why we can't find you? We tried to search you everywhere, underground, illegal trafficking. But no, we didn't find you, all of your trace is gone. We search in the every crook in Korea."

"We're never stay at Korea." 


"I don't know, Joon. But every fight I had, always in different place, can be different country. They moved us, using blindfold and scent eraser. What I knew is, I already in different place, different arena, different country," explained Yoongi. 

Namjoon's face is getting darker, because now he knows why for 4 years is very hard to trace Yoongi.

International mafia.

He really need this to talk to the president, because if they can kidnapped Yoongi, they can kidnapped other important people too and vanished. He pinched his temple as a lot of new information start to flooding in. 

"Y/N... Tell me about our soulmate," Hoseok said and tried to change the subject.

"As far as I know, she is born at one illegal breeding facility. Tried to escape but failed and sold to arena ring 5 years ago." Explained Yoongi and he could saw a hell gate is gonna open soon. He shut his mouth as he feel a very very very dark air from Jin. Even though he is the soft one, but once angry, even Namjoon itself gonna lose. 

"So, she is mated, um no, I mean raped or had a sex before you met her?" Jin said with a very cold tone. Namjoon gulped but still keep his focus on Yoongi waiting him for an answer. 

"Raped. Yes. Even before she was sold to the arena," said Yoongi. 

Silence. They tried to accept the new information. The time when she told Yoongi, he lost control and he killed another participants in the arena less than 10 minutes. Not something that he wants to remember. 

Jin suddenly get up and left the living room. God knows where he is heading or what will he do, because everyone in that room knows that he must released his steam or else, someone gonna die. Hoseok lowered his head, "Our lovely Y/N...." His ears dropped and so do Namjoon and Yoongi. 

Namjoon sighed, "Let's end our conversation here. Yoongi take your rest now. Hoseok please check the maknae line and Y/N." He got up and left the living room. Leaving Hoseok and Yoongi.

The smaller lion than Namjoon hugged Yoongi, "Glad to have you back, Hyung."

Yoongi hugged back and finally he could finally feel safe, feel home, and feel complete.

"Glad to be back."

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