<You Cause Chaos>

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Age Chart for the chapter:
Phantom B (Y/N): 5
Battle T. (Y/N): 5
SDC (Y/N): 4 1/2
DIU (Y/N): 11
Vente Aureo (Y/N): 6

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<Dio Brando (Phantom Blood)>:

Every few months, you'd go visit you uncle Jonathan and Auntie Erina, including your cousin George the second. You two, George and you, were left alone in the living room. With you both being 5, this could go very well or extreamally poor. You two decided to have the time of your life. Well, the time of your life, George had always been a goody-goody. But, this time was an exception. The two of you decided to be devil children, more than you already were, and set a trap on SpeedWagon, who was with all the other adults a few rooms over. You got some rope and blue paint from the shed. You placed the open can above the doorway, as George tied the string to a pulley system the two of you made and waited. When you saw his familiar blonde hair walk through the door, you quickly pulled on the string, causing the paint to pour all over the unwilling victim to the trap. Little did you two know, the one who got paint poured on them, was Erina Pendleton-Joestar. When the two of you heard the shocked gasp of the woman, and the clattering of a silver tray, and the ear splitting sound of glass breaking, you knew you were in deep shit. You quickly screamed 'RUN AWAAAAY' and ran as far as you possibly could.

<The Pillar Men>:

One of the many occasions that baby (y/n) decided to be a speed demon was the one you're about to hear. August was at it's peak, and beside her family being forced to stay indoors, she would break the rules and go outside during the day. Hell, she even made some friends. But, this 100 degree day with a humidity over 50% she had forgotten her wallet. The one thing she needed right now as she had cake in a medium sized bag. She didn't want to run all the way home and have to get her wallet, risking her cake being stolen. So, she did the only logical thing a 5 year-old like herself could do. She picked up the white bag, gave the woman at the cash register a "I'm sorry" glance, then bolted out the open door! She booked it across town, to the castle she lived in with her brothers and her fathers, with the cops chasing after her. Since she lived with creatures that went beyond human speeds, she was extremally athletic, and had learnt to run 8 meters in 20 seconds (It's 26 feet, for those who didn't know. I gotchu).
She was almost there, three cop cars behind her as she ran. People just enjoying their day thought it was some sort of heist. A cop that was walking around saw the girl and tripped her. He picked her up by the back of her beautifully crafted dress (props to Whammu) and held her there as she glared at him with a look colder than the cold side of the pillow. After the situation was handled between the other officers, the one that was holding her brought her to her house. He had a pompadour and pretty, violet, eyes. He said his name was officer JoHi. He knocked on the large door, and Santana was the one to answer, seeing as it was late by now. He saw the man's uniform, and saw (Y/N) stuck in between his arm and his left tit. "Is this speed demon yours, sir?" He asked in a goofball tone. Santana just looked at (Y/N), and she glared at him with eyes that said 'not a word'. He nodded, and took (Y/N) from the officers arms and they carried on with their seperate lives. "Not a word to Mama, Papa, or even Wham."

<DIO (Stardust Crusaders)>:

You were left alone with your brothers. Great.
I don't think I should have to continue with this, knowing chaos happens all the time with the seed of D̶I̶O̶(Jonathan, technically). The 5 devil children were actually surprisingly calm. Giorno was drawing ladybugs, Rikiel was reading to (Y/N), Ungalo was....he was doing, and Donatello was cutting random pieces of fabric he found simply because he had nothing better to do. It was actually The Minions of the Hoe Castle who were making a big deal about the 5 of them. Mariah was taking pictures for a scrapbook she was making, Hol Horse was hugging VI in a corner as they cried about how big they were getting, and Pet Shop was watching this all unfold. Terence was scared of (Y/N). He wouldn't get anywhere between 20 meters of her tiny, devil, body. Anyways, (Y/N) was hungry, but she cared to much about her sibling to split their ears, so she ran out of the room and flopped down on the living room carpet, though deeply regretted it as she had opened her mouth and she landed and lost her right canine tooth as she landed. Her father was sitting on the couch, reading a book about the era he was from, making corrections as he went. His amber eyes drifted down to the white hair that belonged to his daughter that was currently stuffed in the carpet. "Having fun there?" He asked rhetorically. She groaning loudly, trying to refrain from releasing an ear splitting sob.

<Kira Yoshikage (Diamond Is Unbreakable)>:

You threw your mom out of the kitchen window after your father had refused to make you Dino Nuggies because you've 'had them to many times this week'. Long story short, tiny (Y/N) was now grounded. Oh yeah, the Morioh police department was also given a call, but they were dealt with. "It's just a very realistic prop I made."
                                                    -Kira Yoshikage


You always cause chaos, and sometimes, it gets him killed (he comes back, don't worry).
To say this without traumatizing anyone, you found Trish. Trish Una. Technically, your sister. After you met Trish, she decided to take you home to the titty mansion that she lived in. All clothing that had exposed titties were closed or they changed. Long story short, Dia found out, broke in, and used the secret Joestar technique to get home without dying for once.

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