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Dear Jimmy,

I’m not sure how to start this so I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Kat; I’m 17 years old and I’m from Scotland. We both share the same heart problems and I had to take meds when I was younger and I’ve always been afraid to follow my dreams because of that but then I saw you drumming in Live in the LBC and I was told you had heart issues. You’ve inspired me even though I’ve only just become a fan in the last year and you were already gone. I feel bad and I’m unsure why.

I first heard your drumming in Almost Easy; I knew that the drumming was special and unique. Something magical was happening inside me and it frightened me. And then I heard Afterlife I fell in love. The music, the lyrics, everything about it was magical and this time I wasn’t as afraid. But I didn’t pay much attention to it. Years later, 2012 to be exact was when I heard Fiction and I didn’t know what band or who was the drummer but the magic was there; something I hadn’t left since Afterlife. Then I found out that your band did that song only you weren’t in the band anymore but you will always be apart of the band. I was tough but inside I’d already gone through the year from hell, I’d moved a long distance and I’d just gotten kicked out of school so when I heard about you I was in disbelief.

I want you to know that you’re a hero of mine because we can empathize with each other. People didn’t think you could do it but you did and now people are telling me I can’t follow my own dreams and I’m determined to as well. I don’t want to be a musician but a writer like Stephen King. People tell it’s stupid and I’m never gonna get there but when I listen to your drumming I believe again and I become stubborn.

All I have to say is I envy your friends and family. You have such amazing friends that are loyal. They saw beyond the health issues and saw what you can really do; I wish mine could do that. I wish I had friends like yours or even a family like yours. I wish you were still alive to keep inspiring me, to keep inspiring hundreds of thousands. I wish in many ways I was you. I want your confidence and your bravery. I want people to listen to me and take me seriously. I wish you were still alive but I guess in many ways you dying gave other people opportunities like Arin; no body would know exactly how talented he is if you were still alive. And your fans, they won’t know the true meaning of family, they wouldn’t value each day like you did. It sounds crud to say but it’s true.

I don’t care if your death was accidentally or anything less, you’ll always, ALWAYS be my hero because of all the good you’ve done, I can oversee every bad thing you’ve done and learn from it. I’ll always treasure your life. Thank you for being my hero.

Sincerely Kat. XoXo

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