Chapter 25: Gas Station Mistake and the Strippers. Part 1.

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Chapter 25: Gas Station Mistake and the Strippers. Part 1.

We’re on tour now and Peasnie’s taken to this life rather well. She helps out alot by promoting us, when we are at a show she wore a black tee shirt that was labelled by our band with denim Capri’s and converse. She helped Val by handing out tapes in the hot sun while Val sold tee shirts and shit. I get worried when she goes off on her own in a large crowd but we make sure she’s wearing a walkie-talkie to keep in contact or if she gets lost she wears something that can identify her without mixing her up. Usually she wears a pink bandana that’s tied around her arm. Peasnie’s really smart for her age; she’s book smart and street smart. She’s dangerous that way, she uncanny and you should not underestimate her. She’s turning into me in more than one way, like I said she has this uncanny ability to talk you into doing something you don't want to do. But I think all girls have that ability. She may only be five years old but she is capable of much more than she lets on.

Anyways we’re on our way to Vegas for a couple shows. Peasnie sat at the table with Val doing homework, Val has been like a mom to Peasnie since Bailey left. I never actually realized how much Bailey did for Peasnie when I was away.

Speaking of Bailey; she’s about five months pregnant with my baby. I leave her voice mails everyday; I know she checks them because if she didn’t her voice mail would be full. I’m still heartbroken that she did this to not just me but us. I want to know what was going through her head when she thought I’d turn my back on her. I didn’t do it for Rosie and we technically weren’t together so why would I do it to the girl I was going to marry. I can tell Peasnie’s missing her, Bailey might be step-mom but to Peasnie she was mom. I miss Bailey with all my heart and I hope she’s safe and sound, I hope she’s taking care of herself and our child.

I sat at the table with the girls; Peasnie had her nose in her work booklet while Val helped her. The sun was high in the sky on the overly warm day; the sun’s rays fell through the window making me warmer than I already was. Matt was driving, Zack was taking a shower, and Brian was snoozing away on the couch while Wendt was watching a movie. It was a usual slow and lazy day which is nice but sometimes it gets boring.

Pssst.” I heard Wendt, my gaze snapped over to him curiously. A grin crossed my face as he took a Twizzler from its package and stick it into Brian’s slightly opened mouth as he slept. His cap sank down over his face slightly but left a gap where his mouth his. Brian snorted slightly as the Twizzler was placed on his bottom lip. Peasnie watched as well with a soft giggle but Val corrected that by tapping the book with her pencil.

“Concentrate.” Val scolded Peasnie with a mothering tone. I couldn’t help but chuckle as Wendt took a snap shot of it.

“So if one plus one equals two, what does one hundred plus one hundred equal?” Val asked Peasnie the math equation they were working on. I couldn’t help but smile at the pair of them. Peasnie stared down the equation with narrowed eyes, she was deep in thought but I believed in her. Her eyes widened as her head propped up with a charming smile.

“Two hundred.” She replied happily. Val gave her a high-five and moved onto the next question. I was really proud of Peasnie because she was doing so well. She sat in a Jack Daniel’s tee shirt and a pair of fitted jeans. Her blonde hair was tied back from her face and there was a clip keeping her bangs from her brilliantly shaded blue eyes.

The bus pulled into a truck stop in the middle of nowhere. There was a gas station along sided a diner and motel, there was trucks parked everywhere. I observed that we needed gas. The sudden stop woke Brian up, he snorted as his eyes shot open. He freaked out and ninja slapped the Twizzler from his mouth. His sudden awakening and freak out made Peasnie laugh happily, Val shake her head and me roll my eyes. Apparently Zack wasn’t in the shower anymore but he was fully clothed and looking around curiously. Wendt laughed hardily and showed Brian the picture. Brian scowled at him tiredly before rubbing his eyes.

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