Chapter 75: City of Angels.

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Hey readers, well there's another picture of Bailey in the side just for you. Felicia Day is such a pretty woman and I'd choose her to be my lesbian celeb love. 

Chapter 75: City of Angels.

“I think I want to leave Huntington.” The words seemed unnatural to me as they rolled off my tongue that night at home with Bailey and the kids. I was released from the hospital earlier this week; tomorrow we’re going into LA to have a huge New Years Eve party at the record label. And then New Years Day we’re celebrating Kier’s eleventh birthday. For the past couple days I’ve been thinking about what’s best for my family. And sometimes starting fresh is best. Huntington holds so many memories both good and bad and it’ll always be home to me but I want my kids to start fresh. I know that’s tons to ask for since Peasnie’s already started High School and Kier will be starting middle school soon like the year after the next. He’ll be in middle school when he turns twelve. And Alfie will be starting preschool soon. It’s going to be tons to ask for but a fresh start means all of these terrible memories are behind us. It means that my kids will be able to go to school and be city slickers. I want them to have every experience I’ve never had. Speaking of kids, they’re being really quiet. I can’t even hear Alfie in the living room.

Bailey and I have been arguing a little bit lately, first it was about who should get fixed so there will be no more kids, I’m not doing it so she’ll have too. And then it was about Alfie’s bedroom, she was out growing the nursery style and we’ve been bickering about the next style or colour. It’s just been too much lately.

“Did, did I just hear you correctly?” Bailey asked in disbelief as she tidied up the kitchen from today’s happenings. I leaned against the door frame with my arms crossed over my chest. Bailey’s hazel eyes were the size of the moon as she stood there in a pair of snug jeans, a yellow tee shirt; her fiery red hair hung in her face. I swallowed hard and nodded at her. I looked at the ground because I knew she was unhappy with me for saying that.

“And where do you suppose we move to?” She asked going back to rinsing the dishes, her back to me. That was a good question. Where do I want us to move to? LA is far too dangerous for them since they love exploring. Alfie won’t be able to go outside in the back yard by herself like she does here. Of course I keep my eye on her when she’s out there. Peasnie won’t be near the band or her friends. And the only school that has special education for the special needs kids is here and Kier needs that.

I sighed and went to her side, leaning against the counter. Bailey didn’t say anything nor did she look at me; not even once. It made me feel rejected, like after a year and a half of marriage and thirteen years of us dating I did something wrong. I mean I know I’ve done many things wrong and I’ve pissed her off plenty of times before but this time I hit the mother load.

“I’m thinking somewhere in Long Beach or Los Angeles.” I muttered softly. Bailey set the blue water bottle down in the sink and looked at me with a hard gaze.

“Why do you want to take your kids away from this place? We’re all happy and healthy. And you’re alive,” She stopped suddenly in her tracks as if she had an ‘ah-ha’ moment.

“Are you having a midlife crisis?” She asked me bluntly. I stared down at her and shook my head in denial.

“No, I’m fine.”

“No, you nearly died and you’re freaked out.” Bailey commented with honesty in her voice. I shook my head again.

“No Bailey, I just want to move.” I replied, being careful with my tone. She crossed her arms over her chest and stuck her hip out at me.

“Why do you want to move so badly? Why do you not like where we are right now?” She asked. I didn’t know the answer to that question, I guess there was nothing wrong with where we are now, I just want change. And a coat of paint won’t do it for me.

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