Chapter 67: Isn't That Something.

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Chapter 67: Isn’t That Something.

January 1, 2009

Butterflies gathered in my stomach as I stood over the rather tall boy, he blew out the candles on his birthday cake. Kier just turned 10 today and it’s a mile stone for him. He’s definitely has my height, he’s taller than his mom and he’s 10. Peasnie is just about the same height as me but Kier is catching up quickly. Luckily Alfie is still nice and small. It’s been a year and 4 months since Alfie was born and she turned one in October.  Peasnie is going to be turning 14 in March. I still couldn’t believe that Kier was born 10 years ago. It seems like yesterday I was holding him in my arms as a baby.


“So Andy is the name you gave our?....” I prolonged the question as we stood outside the diner. The guys were in the diner buying coffee and very early morning breakfast while Bailey and I hung around outside. Bailey changed into decent clothes, a white tank top with a purple one over top and a black leather jacket with jeans and sneakers. A smile cascaded across her face as the thought loomed in her head.

“Son. Our son.” She replied with a grin. I felt like I was the king of the world. I’m having a boy, a tiny baby boy. I’m not going to be out numbered anymore! I felt a large goofy smirk smack me in the face as I stood there, thinking about all the things I’m gonna teach him. He’ll be a mini me, no wait bad idea. I’m gonna teach him everything I know. I can’t wait to tell Peasnie that she’s gonna have a baby brother. Bailey blushed a bright red even in the dark; it made me smile even more.

“We can change it if you want; I never thought I’d see you again so that’s what I named him.” She stammered on about the name. I didn’t care what we named him; I cared weather he was going to healthy and happy. I cared about everything other than the name. I wore half a grin as Bailey extended her stammering and stuttering. She was nervous and I’ve always made her stutter when she’s nervous. I knew I wouldn’t be able to shut her up by interrupting her so I leaned down and seized her words with by pressing my lips to her softly. Jesus Christ this feeling will never get old. I’ve missed it so much. Just feeling a smile curl her lips back made the butterflies inside me flutter around and my heart skipped beats. When I knew she wouldn’t speak anymore I pulled away not realizing I had put my hands on either side of her face, just like I used too.

“I like the name.” I told her with a nod, she mimicked my motion and nodded as well.

“Okay.” She said, she was out of breath. I led her into the diner and to the back booth, the one right behind the one the guys were in eating breakfast and getting gnarly hangovers. I sat with my back to the guys while Bailey had hers to the wall. A waitress came up to us in a pink uniform, her hair was bleach blonde and curly.

“Can I get you anything” She offered with a hard voice. I nodded carefully, looking at Bailey.

“A cup of coffee and a cup of tea please.” I said solidly. The waitress nodded and whisked away to get our orders. Bailey and I sat there quietly waiting for our orders. Soon enough they came. I kept my eye on Bailey as she stirred some sugar into the mug. I poured some milk and sugar into my mug. My head spun around the room, I had so many questions to ask her, we might be here all night. She was prepared for the flash flood of questions; I could see it in her eyes. I felt my gaze drop to the table top as my mind was filled with questions; it was hard to pick one to ask first. But the biggest one needed to be answered first. I lifted my eyes to meet hers with a sullen expression.

“Why’d you leave, really?” I knew what she had written me was a lie. She knew exactly what I meant by what I said to her. There’s something else going on in that head of hers. And it’s paining her deeply. Bailey sucked her bottom lip as she sat there avoiding eye contact with me. She was building up the courage to tell me. She sighed deeply, placing her hand on the bump Andy made in her body. Her golden eyes met mine with a grim expression on her beautiful face.

Second Chances. (WATTY AWARDS 2013)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora