chapter 2:

292 2 0

Intro will he different this time.

Author pov:

Death knight attacked the knights.

Last knight exploded in pieces. Death knight turned to echo 3 - 1.


Echo 3 1 reporting for duty

Death Knight saluted making alex eyes go wide. Ainz albedo floated down. Ghost clutching on albedo.

As they landed he got off of her.

LAVs arrived coalition 141 arrived. ISAF f14s soar overhead.

Ainz: i am ainz own gown


(1:38 only) ghost


Gasef stronoff & his men rush to the village. Then out of nowhere 2 F14s zoomed overhead.

Gasef: WHAT THE😱😱😱

Knight: what are those things dragon?

Knight: dragons don't roar like that

Ghost got ainz attention they turned to newcomers. They told them they liberated the village. Knights of gasef's entourage meet the modern warfare soldiers.

Gasef: & you are warrior?

Valiken snickered

Ghost: ghost

Gasef: ghost. Okay😅

Omega 11: << be advised Recon spotted new targets >>

Ainz: good eyes omega 11

Gasef: well take it from here

They left. Ainz put up a barrier around the storage.

Price: are gonna take over

Ainz: that's affirmative john. Ghost your about to make a name for yourself.

Ghost: well i'll accept what ever you offer


Gasef & his men got switch. Now ainz albedo & ghost are here in front of the enemy. Albedo waved at mobius 1 as the f22a is ready for air support.

(No need to narrate further)


Albedo: to answer your question before mylord simon. I know how to fight

Ghost: jeez now everyone besides you are gonna call me second overlord😑

Ainz: you get used to it. Your a legend among all operators in your days, price declined so did soap. They choose you because your a icon

Ghost chuckled. Being a overlord himself without teir magic is new to him. He imagined him & ainz own gown. Are a big deal.

Ghost: stay frosty ya

Just like gate modern warfare

For Now on i'll update every night.


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