volume 2 chapter 10:

33 1 2

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Mobius 1 took off

Sky eye: << sky eye here. Mobius 1 head to the objective stand by for orders >>

Demiurge: demiurge to mobius 1. You know what to do

Ghost: does anybody understand there orders?

Maids & everyone nodded.

Ghost: impress me & ainz what you can do

Shephard: i'll remain here


Princess looks out to see climb & the others. What shock the other band of adventures is that shadow company allegiance & coalition mil sim units are here.

Out of nowhere f22 raptor flying at speed of sound.

Shocking the princess & everyone else here. Except for the outworlder soldiers.

Climb: what was that a dragon😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Brain: i can't see it....

Wyatt: its not a dragon mate f22 raptor. * pressed on his ear mic * we see you mobius 1. Try not to scare the locals

Mobius 1: << copy that. Sorry >>

There mission is to raid & search for a group of people called 8 fingers Allegiance coalition & ISAF had a few firefights under the kingdoms eyes.

Tall armored woman named gagaran was checking out few outworld soldiers but she stood back when one of them points a LMG at her.

SC mil sim: i'm married so get lost


Brain & climb found sabas & captain price.

Climb: who's this?

Price: captain price coalition 141. So sabas?


Sabas Wyatt & price walked are guided to the 8 fingers plays. They met them except for the leader isn't with them. After introductions.

Price: (chuckling)

Wyatt: as expected. Babe?

Epsilon: he's not here

Wyatt: i see. Sabas?

To be continued

This is gonna be in parts


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