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sometimes i wonder why do we complicate things--why do we complicate our feelings? Oh,right--because of the many things our brain poisons us with,which leads to us to being blinded and not see the real picture of things, the possibilities. I mean, i understand that in some (actually,everything) there's uncertainty,but i guess it is our duty to tackle them.

Another factor which,of course,affects us to complicate things are memories from the past that you linger onto--events, stuff you just can't seem to let go of out of sheer guilt,and fear. It really shouldn't be this way,to be honest. It's hard to let go,but it's best to acknowledge that the past,is the past--and that your only focus should be in the present. Instead of grieving, try seeing everything in a different angel; acknowledge that you've changed. View the past as a tool for your wisdom--something to keep in mind and not sabotage yourself with it. I really dislike how once i get the flow in what i'm trying to say, i suddenly loose my trance of thought because of all the cluttering things and ideas i have inside my brain,ugh. 

But just like anything, it's good to take baby steps,right? Don't restrain yourself from feeling and thinking the things you consider as 'odd', 'sick', something you 'don't deserve', a 'waste of time', right? Aghk, i just can't seem to find the best way to express this all at the time being,but hopefully it comes to me! And with that,i (sort of) end this chapter of me rambling. Later, suckers 💖🌙

𝐏𝐨𝐩-𝐔𝐩 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now