Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

That was so stupid, He thought to himself. By the time he realized what he said, Kristine was already upset and wouldn't listen to him.

He didn't mean anything other than the media making headline news based on misunderstandings and manipulated facts. The last thing he wanted for Kristine was for people to feast over malicious news about her but the way he said it earlier, it sounded like he was more concerned about his reputation. Too late for regrets already. All he could do was to say sorry.

However, she would probably do her best to avoid him while she was mad; that was what he noticed. But unlike the previous instances where she would get upset over trivial matters, he couldn't just annoy her into talking with him nor act like it was nothing. He knew what has to be done and he would do it later when he returned. It actually didn't sit right to have the issue unsettled right away but Kristine needed the time to cool her head before he could talk to her properly.

Angelo heaved out a sigh. He got his shares of women in the past, changing flings here and there like changing clothes but none of them have ever made him work to get their attention. Hell, he was more used to people seeking attention from him; he and Daniel were known for that. Only Kristine, who would rather swoon over boys that would probably never notice her, could resist his charm. She could hardly meet his eyes when they talk, she kept her distance from him whenever she got the chance and spent most of her time in her room when he was at home. But at least she loosened up whenever he began being playful with her; through that, she was starting to become more comfortable with him.

"Dude, you've been awfully quiet since you arrived. What's up?" Daniel called.

He placed his palm over the guitar strings and turned his attention away from the instrument he was just playing. The thought of Kristine preoccupied his head, he didn't notice his friends had already stopped talking, their attention already on him. They were at Joaquin's penthouse, the evening supposedly dedicated to their meeting about Narcissus but it looked like they wouldn't let the topic pass without discussing his marital issue. Besides, his marriage was a big subject of interest within his group of friends.

Angelo let out a sigh of exasperation and shook his head, "Nothing," he muttered and went back into plucking a soft tune with his guitar.

No one spoke after that, only the tune from the guitar quenched the silence of the room. After a moment, Sam started clicking his tongue repeatedly while shaking his head, "Hey Joaquin, get us some beer and chicken. We got a long discussion ahead." Joaquin didn't have to be told twice before he placed an order on his phone.

"Do you guys often see him like this?" Daniel asked.

Sam shook his head, "First time. But probably won't be the last. Let me guess, it was because of the girl, right?"

Angelo didn't have to answer to confirm. His silence was enough.

"Dude, you were really serious? I thought Tine's just a past-time?" Daniel smirked at him.

"It's Kristine for you." He corrected, "And we're legally married so this is for real, Daniel. I have to get along with her."

"Get along with her, huh? You sure there's nothing more?" Daniel repeated with a laugh.

Sam threw the sofa pillow at him, "Let him be, man. We'll get back to the subject later." He then prompted Joaquin to start with their agenda so they could proceed with the more interesting topic.

Joaquin started giving a run-through of what they discussed last Saturday when he went back. The three of them have already decided on a song to play for their last cover video. He had no problem with the chosen title since he was familiar with it but he would just need to meet them up and arrange the song before they could start recording and shoot.

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