Chapter 2

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“Thanks for helping out earlier, Tine. I don’t think I would have survived if it wasn’t for you,” Phoebe said. They locked the Student Council office behind after they dumped the cash box and important files and picked up their bags. 

“No problem. I only tag along with Ariana so you should also thank her for the extra hand,” Kristine quipped.

The two ladies walked toward the venue of the events and stayed at the far end of the crowd. The guest performer was singing the last song of her setlist as the crowd waved their hand in synchrony to the heartfelt song being played. Kristine fished out her phone to take a photo of the performance and post in on Instagram, but not before canceling an incoming call.

The emcees went on stage and thanked the performer before welcoming the last group. As soon as the emcees mentioned the name Narcissus, cheers of excitement filled the place, up until the group finally went up the stage.

While everyone was jamming and dancing to the beat of the song, she was observing the crowd whether they’ve noticed the ring Angelo was wearing, who was playing the bass guitar on stage while occasionally supplying the back vocals. 

It looked like the crowd didn’t notice anything so she relaxed and enjoyed the show for once. Besides, the group was playing well, and the group's frontman named Sam, the guy in specs, does have a nice voice.

She raised her phone again to take a short video of the second performance for her IG post. Finally, she thought she could loosen up a bit and stop thinking about her secret since the crowd was engaged in the music, but not until Phoebe struck up a conversation with her.

"On what side of the hand is a wedding ring worn?"

Kristine feigned innocence and shrugged her shoulders, even if she can feel herself getting nervous, "I'm not sure. Why did you suddenly ask?"

Phoebe shook her head, "Nothing, I just noticed the ring on Angelo's finger but it may only be something he likes to wear. Who knows?"

Phoebe didn't sound like she's trying to pry on anyone's personal matter but was just voicing out her observation. Kristine was relieved that Phoebe didn’t press on the topic anymore. She went back to watch the show again and this time, shifted her attention towards the members of the band.

It's no doubt that every one of them is talented and has their own charm that the people adore. Sam's reserved demeanor is a complete opposite of his showmanship on stage and that made him charismatic among the people who admire him. Joaquin, the drummer, has the bad-boy aura, probably because of how sharp his eyebrows are and how he would style his hair up. She does not know much about him except that he's usually the one coordinating for the group for invites.

Daniel, the guy playing the keyboard, is definitely a crowd-pleaser. The ladies were swooning every time he would interact with the crowd and throw a wink here and there. However, Kristine just found it impractical to wear a leather jacket in an open venue. She wonders how hot that must have felt for him.

Of course, her husband was another head-turner. He was only wearing a printed white shirt and dark jeans but the way he carried himself on stage made him look attractive, even to her, and she won't deny that. He may be the most annoying person she knew so far but she had to admit that he’s handsome. However, she won’t say that outright to him or else, her husband won’t stop teasing her about it. But this doesn’t mean she likes him! She only knows how to appreciate and acknowledge beauty and it will take a miracle for her to like that guy. 

Besides, he's not her type.

    Shortly after the end of the last song, Ariana informed her that she was backstage, so she went there to meet her to ask if she could hitch a ride going home with her. As she walks toward the direction of the backstage, she can see the officers crowding and talking to the members of Narcissus, who just finished performing.

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