Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The following days, Kristine had been avoiding Angelo as much as possible. She slept in and woke up early and made arrangements with the Lopez family driver, Bert, to drive her to school in the morning, before the usual time Angelo prepared to leave for work. After class, she'd go straight to her parent's home for dinner-- and thank God her dad wasn't nagging her with her college application- since she wasn't in the mood to cook for two. Her mother had already noticed her change in routine and tone when they would ask her about him.

She would always answer with a shrug, putting on an unbothered face but honestly, she was beginning to question whether she was being too much to him. Should she start talking to him already, like nothing happened? That was what her parents usually did whenever they raised their voices at her and her brothers. But the other side of her told her she was just doing fine; after all, Angelo hadn't reached out to her after that night to talk. Regardless, it was frustrating that guilt was eating her conscience even if she was wronged.

Of course, avoiding him wouldn't last her a long time since she would have to deal with him for the charity ball. That morning when she thought she had his routine figured out, she froze on her spot in front of her bedroom when she saw him exit his room, wearing gray joggers and a white hoodie, car keys in his hands. His hair looked like he just hair combed and tousled it in a hurry.

"Let's go," he simply said, as he took her hand.

"Wait, I have Bert to take me to school," she complained but didn't make much effort to let go of his hand. Angelo didn't reply and pulled her with him until he closed the front door of their house.

True to her words, the Lopez family driver was already waiting outside. Angelo talked with the driver before he brought her to his blue Audi and opened the shotgun seat for her.

"Won't you be late for work later? I mean, you don't have to do this," she said as soon as Angelo got into the car. He even fixed the seatbelt for her.

"It's six a.m., Tine. I have plenty of time. Why don't we have breakfast first,"

"Uh, I'll be fine,"

"No, I also have to discuss our arrangement for later. We'll talk as we eat." He decided and started driving.

Kristine didn't protest anymore. She would have eaten breakfast at home but she was in a hurry to leave. Her stomach grumbled at the thought of food.

After Angelo parked the car in front of a well-known cafe chain near their place of residence, the two got in and started ordering for themselves. It was a good thing the place wasn't packed with people, it calmed her that she wouldn't be much concerned with people recognizing her husband with her. If they went into a cafe near the school vicinity, Angelo would be attracting a lot of attention from students. Not to mention that his current get-up made him look like a college student that everyone had a crush on.

"I'm paying," she opened her sling bag and pulled out her wallet but Angelo already handed out his card to the cashier. She then pulled out some cash and handed them to him.

"What's that for?" He said, tilting his head at her.

"My share,"

"It's fine,"

She shook her head, her hand still stretched out for him, "You've spent a lot this past week already. It's too much." And most of the order punched was for her, it was embarrassing to make him pay for them.

"Just let me, please," He took the cash and folded it in two before placing it back onto her palm. His voice was gentle yet imposing, there was no bargaining with him.

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