Chapter 3

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    Ever since morning, Angelo seemed to be talking to air.

His wife had been ignoring him just like what she had told him the night before so he had been trying to make her talk to him. It should have been easy. Kristine couldn't stand him long enough before she answered him back but that day morning was a bit different.

She was already awake by the time he went down. The smell of sauteed garlic filled the dining room and he found her in the kitchen, tossing and mixing something in the pan.

He approached her and stood behind her, "What's that?" He asked. She didn't even say anything even when he rested his chin on her shoulder to look at what she was cooking: fried rice.

He stood up straight upon remembering what she said the night before, "Good morning," he greeted and gave a light pat on her head. He went to the pantry to prepare a cup of coffee for himself.

It was the first time seeing her up earlier than him on a weekend. After their house helper, an old woman who had been working for the Del Valle for the last 30 years, retired a month ago, Angelo had been making breakfast every weekend for the both of them since Kristine would always wake up late. It was nothing fancy. It was just mostly eggs or sometimes pancakes when he felt like cooking. So, seeing her make breakfast for both of them even if he was on the silent treatment made him smile.

Though, her silence persisted until they were on the way to her parents' house.

Angelo turned on the car radio to ease the silence when they stopped at a traffic light. They were on their way to Kristine's parents' home. He glanced sideways to look at his wife, who was scrolling through her phone. She played a video that sounded like it was taken the night before when their band performed.

"Hmm, I didn't know you're a fan?" he inquired, but he was trying to get Kristine to talk. She only looked at him sideways before she turned her attention to her phone again.

"You know, instead of watching those snippets on-screen, why don't you just ask me to sing?" he tried again and smirked when he saw her pause. She went back to her phone moments later. 

He chuckled. Her immaturity was entertaining him a lot that he can't but play along with her 'promises'. Just a bit more persistence on his part or anything that would pique her interest, she would be speaking to him in no time.

The stoplight turned green and the car started moving. Later on, Angelo's phone rang. He picked up his Bluetooth earpiece and wore it before answering the call.

"Meet-up at Valk tonight, dude!" Daniel didn't even bother greeting when he answered the phone. Daniel was referring to the bar they usually frequent before he studied overseas, three years ago.

"Didn't you guys go out last night?" Angelo asked.

"We didn't. After someone bailed on us," his friend snickered on the other line. "Man, marriage changed you, huh?"

"Why are you calling in the first place?" Angelo steered back to the topic, wanting the phone call to end. His marriage is another topic to be discussed.

"Well, it's about Narcissus. We're going to talk about making our last cover video to at least tell the people we're officially signing off,"

"Can't we just talk about it over the phone some other day? I'm with my wife the entire day." Angelo glanced at Kristine and saw her watching him talk. She looked away when he caught her staring.

"Oh, so that's why," Daniel teased and laughed on the other line. "Fine, I'll tell the others that the married man can't make it."

"Alright. Though I still don't get why you gotta meet up at Valk to discuss that," He mused. His friend huffed on the other line.

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