Morning After

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Gist: After Hailey and Jay wake up together in 8x4, after the ending in 8x3.

The sun shone through the curtains in Hailey's bedroom. The birds chirped merrily on her balcony, their songs slowly waking Hailey up from her short sleep. She slowly stured, stretching her arms out wide and yawning loudly. Then, when she remembered who was lying next to her and what happened the previous evening, a hug grin grin spread across her face.
She'd been wanting that evening to happen for a long time now, but she never thought it would ever happen; so, that fact I did happen, made it all the more surreal and special. The chemistry and bond that they'd created throughout years of being partners and best friends, had finally exploded and set off so many fireworks.

Turning onto her side to face Jay, she slowly stroked her fingers up and down his muscular arms; admiring every muscle vally and mountain on his arm. "Hmmm" Jay grunted, sturing with the gentle touch of Hailey. "Morning" Hailey smiled, finding Jay's bed hair and expressions overly adorable. "Morning" Jay retorted, and they both burst into laughter. It was like they were teenagers once again. "So, last night" Jay kinked his brow mischievously. "What about last night? I don't remember anything happening" Hailey teased, enjoying the flirting. "I do. I remember a stunning blond woman whispering all kinds of things to me,  whilst ripping my clothes off" Jay recalled, making Hailey blush with pure embassment. Jay had never seen her be so playful shall we say..., so it was slightly embarrassing for her still. "You don't regret it, do you?" Jay's tone changed, when Hailey said nothing and returned to her closed off self after the remark Jay made. "No...not at all. It was so much fun, and I'd wanted that for so long.'s just, I don't know what got into me last night. Usually I'm not so....dirty commented" Hailey explained, keeping her eyes well off Jay.

"Hey, look at me" Jay's soft voice said, his fingers gently pulling her chin up. "What?" Hailey nervously asked. "Last night was the most perfect night. I'm not just saying that, Hails. You're beautiful and amazing" Jay assured her, planting a kiss on her fourhead. "You're amazing, Jay" Hailey complemented, leaning on her shoulder to reach Jay's lips. "I know" Jay joked, lightening the mood in the room. "Don't you just" Hailey threw back flirtatiously, rolling ontop of him. "Hailey, it's six in the morning" Jay muttered between brakes for air. "More decent than three am" Hailey replied. "Good point" Jay chuckled, going back in- his hands exploring Hailey's bare back once more.

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