Best Man's Speech

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After an hour of arriving at the venue and shoving down some much needed grub, the time for the best man speech arrived. Given the signal from Plat, Kevin stood up and quickly caught everyone's attention. "Hey guys, for those who don't know me yet, I'm Kevin- AKA, the guy who won the bet on when these two plonkers would finally get together" Attwater paused for a moment, earning rolls of the eyes off the newlyweds and amused chuckles from the rest of the crowed. "Looking at both Jay and Hailey now, you'd think it was love at first sight. Well, let me tell you- it was most definitely not love at first sight. It was a game of who would end up throttling the other first" Attwater chuckled, winking down at the couple next to him- tightly holding hands under the table. "After about a month or so, things began to change for the better. Hailey and Jay began actually liking each other, smiling at each other and even WANTED to be around each other" Another chorus of laughter waved through the room, before Kevin continued his speech. "From an outsider looking in, their friend, and their coworker, watching their relationship grow was frustrating! When they became really close friends and began tetering on the line between best friends and more than that, bets begun between the team. The two would have moments that made you think MAYBE, just MAYBE they'd finally get their act together, but then they just completely recoil and go back to square one. After three years of betting, Jay and Hailey finally announced accidentally that they were together" Kevin was forced to stop by the sound of Vanessa and Will yelling "it was about time", causing everyone- including the couple- to burst out laughing. "You wanna know how? In a game of Dinsey Monopoly. Jay kept buying places that Hailey constantly landed on, inturn earning all of her limited supply of money. After, what, the tenth time of it happening? Hailey groaned in frustration "You're lucky I love you" to Jay, and the entire room went silent- Jay and Hailey going bright red in the meantime" Below Kevin, Hailey was again bright red at the memory of that moment, one she'd never forget for a long time. "Jay and Hailey were pulled through an afternoon of relentless teasing, and I gained fifty bucks- so thankyou, Mr and Mrs Halstead"

"That's not the pain point though- I just had to find a way of making the two go bright red, that's what friends are for at the end of the day" Attwater smirked mischievously.

"In all seriousness, watching them grow and transition from being haters to lovers, has been truly amazing. They made each other better people and better detectives. They tought each other to trust, to love and how to be loved. They made each other smile for absolutely no reason other than out of pure giddiness, and roll their eyes out of complete dispare. But if you ask me, that's what makes the best love story ever. It was a complicated story- typical- but they worked through the challenges thrown their way and stuck by each others side and loved each other no matter what. Now that yall is true love. A love that we should all aspire to find. Congratulations Hailey and Jay, God bless you both" Kevin finished, pouring his shot back aswell as the rest of the room, before claps and whistles erupted.

"I hate you for half that speech, but that was really sweet that" Jay smiled, patting Kev affectionately on the shoulder. "My pleasure. You two really are the couple to be, I ment that" Attwater complimented so lovingly and genuinely. "Love you, Kev" Hailey said, leaning over Jay to briefly hug Kev- her big bro.

A/N: Hey guys! So, I made Kevin best man for this one shot, because it was easier for me to write it that way for what I wanted to do. If I had Will as the best man, it wouldn't have came out right- he was a grooms man though, don't worry 😉.  I hoped yall enjoyed this! Please do comment below as it really helps me with my writing and guides me on making myself better each time💖.

Also, I wasn't going to upload till Thursday, but Holly is having a crap day so- as her favourite person ever☺🙈- I'm uploading a few days early! Hope this gets your "head out your ass" OneChicagoHolly❤😂

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