Suprise- Part 1

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A/N: This entire one shot idea is stolen from my Dad, I honestly can't take credit for this. The conversations Hailey and Jay have, obviously aren't the same, but the basic outline and time-line is lol. Oh well, it's cute and fluffy.

General POV

Jay was up way before the crack of dawn, the nervs and reality of the day ahead suddenly smacking him full force. He was so restless, that he couldn't even stay in bed and cuddling into his sleeping girlfriend- Hailey....also known as his world! He paced the living area back and forth relentlessly, practicing and rehearsing his ideal words for the big moment at the end of the day. The moment he was going to ask Hailey to marry him. For over a week, Jay had this amazing, hallmark-like idea of how he was going to propose to Hailey when he bought the ring the previous Saturday. But, now the day was finally here, Jay was second guessing himself badly.
"Get a grip" Jay thought to himself, finally holding still and leaning onto the kitchen island.

Jay jumped out his silent, nervous breakdown, when he heard his name being called across the room by Hailey. She was still half asleep, her eyes bleary, and her hair was even frizzer and wilder than usual, but it was just the sight Jay needed to see to kill his second guessing game. Seeing Hailey looking a right mess, yet still truly beautiful, reminded Jay just why he bought the ring last Saturday. She was simply perfect for him. "Morning" Jay stuttered, half forcing a smile onto his face. "Where was your brain at?" Hailey asked in the sweetest tone, kissing Jay on the temple gently. "Just thinking about today" Jay answered, caressing Hailey's cheek and looking down to her like she was a living angel. "What you planning today, Halstead?" Hailey flirted, sliding her hands down Jay's toned chest. "It's a suprise. But first, you gotta go get dressed. However, you've gotta put one of those summer dresses you have" Jay ordered, not letting Hailey know even the smallest bit of the day he'd planned for her. "A dress? Really?" Hailey twined, hating dresses so much. The only reason she got the three summer dresses she had, was because Jay insisted. "Yes, a dress. You want me to spell it out for you?" Jay joked, finding Hailey's grumpy face amusing. "Funny, Jay. It better be good whatever you're planning" Hailey threw back obliviously, and stormed off into the bedroom. Around fifteen minutes later, Hailey bashfully reappeared from the bedroom dressed in a pretty blue summer dress that fitted in all the right places. "What?" Hailey questioned, all self-conscious with the way Jay was staring at her. "You're stunning" Jay smiled, wandering to meet halfway to get a closer look. "It's really girly" Hailey chuckled, not used to wearing anything girly unless it was for an important event. "You suit girly" Jay stated, folding a strand of hair behind Hailey's ear. "Jay Halstead pulling out all the complementary stops this morning" Hailey raised her brow, a childish grin spread across her face. "Yeh, well" Jay shurgged, passing her to go get ready himself.

"OH, DONT EAT ANYTHING!" Jay bellowed through from the bedroom, not wanting Hailey to spoil her appetite before the first suprise location.

An hour later, the couple arrived for breakfast at a local café; one that was very special to them both. It was where they always went at the beginning of their partnership on their days off- well, after they stopped hating each other- and where their bond grew a tiny bit at each visit. Lots of laughs, jokes, and stories were told in the tiny little café between the two detectives; yet it held such a huge, important place in Hailey and Jay's lives.
"We haven't been here in ages, my gosh" Hailey beamed, taking in her surroundings. It was a very rustic and tranquil area, wooden pictures and furniture held the café, whilst white plates and napkins along with a few other things decorated the place. "I thought it was about time we came here again. I mean, they do do the best waffles" Jay winked, guiding Hailey to the table at the back of the room. "Oh yeh, these waffles are everything. I don't even need a menu" Hailey said exitedly, earing a laugh from Jay- blimey, he had it real bad for Hailey for sure. "Didn't think you'd need it. Ima just have the same as you- just without the insane amount of syrup" Jay never understood how Hailey managed to stay fairly tame with the amount of sugar she had, it was something he'd probably never understand quite frankly. "That's the best part, Jay!" Hailey ghapsed, pretending to be hurt and insulted by Jay's comment. "No it's not, the sweetness is enough to blow my head off" Jay argued. Before Hailey got chance to argue back, the lovely waitress headed over for their orders: both of them ordering waffles and a strawberry milkshake.

Half way through their breakfast, the conversation between the two sparked up again. They made small talk over what they saw on the news, or whatever else was going on in their lives- making sure to find a moment to make fun of the each other aswell. "I forgot how nice it was here. How easily we can just talk and chill. Be in our own little world" Hailey commented, coming down from a fit of laughter over a story Jay told her. "Yeh, I know. I mean, it's where it all started for us really" Jay said, greatful for all the moments him and Hailey had shared in this one room. "It really was. Why did you chose here though today? Why the dress and stuff?" Hailey asked, thinking it was a little off the cuff for Jay to something like that. "We have a day off and it's really sunny, so I wanted to make the most of it with you. Am I not allowed to treat my girlfriend?" Jay furrowed his brows, a mischievous sparkle in his eyes. "Only if they want something usually" Hailey said, taking a sip of her milkshake. "Well, I've got to keep you in my good books somehow" Jay winked. "Point proven" Hailey dead panned, proving her point right there and then. "Shut up you goof and hurry up, we've got other places to be ya know?" Jay shook his head, looking at Hailey with complete adoration for her. "Like where?" Hailey pushed for more, wondering what else Jay had up his sleeve. "It's a suprise, you'll see soon enough" Jay replied, keeping tight lipped.

A/N: So, this is going to be either a 2 parter or a three parter, I'm really not sure yet. There's alot of special and important moments I want Hailey and Jay to both have as they spend their day together, before Jay pops the big question at the end of the day- eek!
Anyway, thankyou for reading this and I hoped you liked it. Please do comment down below, the comments keep me going and inspire me to try harder and do my best for ya'll. And, if you want, I wouldn't be opposed to a vote either🙈.
Much love.

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