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it was 1st of march 2021. the day when it all started. i was a regular teen just like all the others. i was maybe a little different because of the fact i was an "influencer" and a teen at the same time. so you can imagine i didn't really have such a good time while in school. but in front of the cameras i was the real me. fearless and goofy. people obviously loved it so they watched my videos. i had only one friend and his name was larray. (a/n sorry for not putting larray at the cast chapter...i was tired....) and he supported me so fucking much. i adored him for that. he is my baddie daddy and everything that goes with that. so one day we were hanging out at his place. it was like usual weird and mario and ravon were there too of course. maybe i do have three friends after all. anyways...so we are hanging out and ravon comes up with a question. 

"nailea honey why are you single again?" 

that question kinda surprised me. i actually never thought about that before. i was a little shook but ok...

"ravon honey i honestly do not know." i said and we all laughed.

"but nai honey you are like really hot." larray said then.

"thank you babe." i said and hugged my bestie.

"you guysssss...i think i know what we should do about nai!" mario screamed.

"oh god...i know it's something i'm for sure gonna hate." i said.

"listen...so there are a lot of hot tiktokers we know and a couple of actors too so why wouldn't nai try to seduce them all in only a month. and then if she likes one of them she will date him. " mario said.

larray and ravon said yes of course but i thought that was crazy. me a play girl? are they nuts?! 

"guys the only thing is i have no clue how to seduce a guy..." 

"well honey you have the right crew here. we will help you." ravon said.

"you are beautiful and funny." larray added.

"the only thing we need to show you is how to act." and mario finished.

"that was really movie alike." i smiled.

we all laughed. after that they took me upstairs and we went to their closet room. 

"here is everything you will need." mario said while pointing his finger all across the room.

i was impressed. they had some pretty good stuff there. like their high heels are life. we had a lot of fun dressing up as strippers and other stuff. it was a girls night but my girls were in this case gay boys. i love them. after a couple of drinks and a lot of different outfits they finally made me act and look like a play girl. i felt actually really good. 

"and with all the beautiful wardrobe you have at your place...nai...they will fall for you. every single one of them." larray confored me. 

"thank you guys, for all of this. whatever it was." i said and we laughed. 

while driving home i got into a little car crash. but it wasn't really a car crash. i just scratched vinnie hacker's car. nothing much. 

"are you ok?" i asked while stepping out of the car in ravon's white high heels, oversized black hoodie and some long white socks. 

"oh well..." vinnie started with an angry tone but after looking at me opened his mouth and looked shocked. keep in mind that was my first time ever meeting vinnie hacker.

"so are you ok?" i asked one more time.

"no, no i'm fine. are you nailea devora?" he asked me then.

"yup, but how did you know so quick?" 

"oh, my friend showed me one of your videos..." he said.

"great, your friend sure watched crappy youtube content." i laughed.

"yeah." he laughed too.

so then i realized. he was my first guy. so i started flirting with him.

"umm...so are you in a hurry or do you have some time to come over to my house for a drink?" 

"i-i-i would love to!" 

"good then...follow my car." i said and winked at him. eww i hated myself at that exact moment. 

when we made it to my house i offered vinnie some coffee and then we talked a bit. he actually seems like a nice guy. but i had absolutely no feelings for him. or so i thought. well...minutes turn into hours and when i looked at the phone it was already 3am. 

"it's 3am?!" i said.

"oh god, really. alex is gonna kill me. alex warren you know?" 

"so you do live in the hype house?" 

"yes, you know what nai?"

"what vinnie?" 

"you seem really different from the other girls. you don't know anything about me. and you want to get to know me...i am not used to that. usually girls know more about me than i do." he smiled.

"true. i like being different. it's cool and i feel special." i said.

he looked me deep in the eyes and got closer. our lips got together. we kissed. the inside me was like whoa nai you actually kissed a guy. and i knew it was a win-win. my first kiss after middle school AND also the first guy i seduced in a month. well...good job nailea. 

"umm...i should probably go now...so yeah...call me?" vinnie said.

"just leave me a number." i winked at him again. 

he wrote his number on a paper towel and left. 

hell yeah. i needed to call the boys. 

after i told them everything they were so proud of me. in fact they said that they are going to the sway house tomorrow and that i should go with them. so i said yes. but i was not ready for the drama at the sway house. 

𝐸𝑔𝑜//𝒩𝒶𝒾𝓁𝑒𝒶 𝒟𝑒𝓋𝑜𝓇𝒶Where stories live. Discover now