Football Game Fluff

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Ship: Alec Lightwood (Mortal Instruments) x Gale Hawthorne (Hunger Games)

Trope: High School AU

     Alec walked through the halls, keeping his head down. I mean it is high school what do you expect. He passed the jocks slowly obviously not wanting to be seen. His very secret boyfriend happened to the star quarterback, Gale Hawthorne. But of course for multiple reasons they can't be seen together. As Alec walks by he sees Gale smile at him before receiving a text from you guessed it Gale. 'you're still coming 2 my game tonight right?' the message read. Alec smiled before responding, 'of course!' and running to his next class. After school Alec met Gale under the bleachers like he did everyday. "Hey!" Alec said smiling. "Hey, how was class?" Gale responded as they sat together. They talked for hours until Gale had to get ready for the big game before homecoming. "Well I have to go. The game starts soon, hopefully I won't get too distracted by you in the bleachers!" Gale said winking, before kissing Alec and running to the locker rooms. Alec sighed before getting his seat in the bleachers. Now halftime has started so far Gale's team is winning. Before the band can come down to play Gale runs back out on the field with a microphone calling Alec down. "Alec Lightwood we've been together for almost 1 ½ years and I think it's time I officially announce we're together because I love you Alec and I don't care what others say, me loving you will never change. So will you be my date to homecoming?" Gale asked, slightly nervous. Alec broke out into a huge grin, "Of course you cheesy dummy!" Gale pulled Alec into a kiss and the crowd cheered. Everyone agreed that it was the best football game that year.

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