Netflix and Cuddles

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Ship: Natasha Romanoff (Marvel) x Alec Lightwood (Mortal Instruments)

Trope: Gender Flipped

Extra Info: Nate (guy-He/him) x Alex (enby-They/them)

Nate was lonely on a Friday night, playing solitaire. Then, he had a great idea. He would call his partner, Alex, and ask them to come over. About thirty minutes later, Alex showed up at Nate's apartment.

"Remind me, why am I here at 7:00 on a Friday night, when I could be at home binge watching movies?" Alex asked.

"Because you love me.", Nate replied with a smug grin on his face.

The pair watched movies and talked for hours, and eventually, Alex fell asleep with their head on Nate's shoulder. At about 3:00 in the morning, Alex woke up.

"Oh crap! I have a meeting at seven tomorrow morning!", they exclaimed and rushed towards the door.

"I had a great time Alex", Nate said lovingly, his voice groggy from sleep, "And I love you."

Alex was already halfway out the door.

"You know," they said, "that meeting can probably run without me. I will be staying here with my beautiful boyfriend, whom I love very much."

And then Alex walked back to the couch where Nate was and layed down next to him, with their head on his shoulder. 

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