Fluff and Flower Crowns

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Percy Jackson (PJO Universe) x Will Solace (PJO Universe)

Friends to Lovers

Ah what a beautiful day, birds are chirping flowers are blooming, and Percy and Will are laying by-... Wait what? Now that's an unlikely pair. What a lot of people don't realize is that in the entirety of Percy's time at Camp Half-Blood, Will and him had been friends. While Percy was being shunned by the campers, the only one willing to patch him up if he got injured in training was Will Solace. In that time the two had become friends and just ended up getting closer over the years. And that's why Percy's head is in Will's lap as Will makes a flower crown for Percy.

"Hey Will?" Percy asked quietly, not wanting to ruin the peaceful atmosphere surrounding them.

"Ya Perce? What's up?"

"It's just we've been friends for a long time... and I wanna tell you something but I don't want you to freak out..."

"Perseus Jackson you've been my best friend since we were 12 and you think this one thing will mess it up? Come on be brave and tell me! We fight monsters for a living, it can't be that bad..." Will said, trying to lighten the mood, but he knew if Percy was nervous it must be serious.

"Well... Will I like you. Do you wanna be my boyfriend...?" Percy rushed out waiting to be rejected. Instead he felt a pair of lips on his. So he did the smart thing and kissed back.

"Of course I'll be your boyfriend! Did you really think I didn't like you back!" Will asked, smirking.

"Kind of but I'm happy you do." Percy said, smiling looking at Will like he was the universe.

"Good." Will said before going back to the flower crown he was making, while Percy sighed in content. This is all he'll ever need.

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