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Time quickly passed being down in the kitchen, forcing me and Angelina to make our way back to the Gryffindor dorms. I didn't mind it though, I was exhausted from the day's accident.
I looked at my wristwatch I had gotten from my dad the year before. He meant that I was quiet irresponsible and late, which I was. I was very gratefull for it, me and my siblings rarely got presents and I knew it had emptied my dads wallet.

"If we get caught nipoe Angie, we're dead. It's over cerfew." I said in as I scrunshed my face up. "We better hurry up then" she replied.

We quickened our pace ever so slightly, trying not to be loud as we would be in trouble if we were to get caught. Our shoes were a little louder that what I hoped for, but I wasn't about to take them off. We just passed Dumbledores office when footstepps emerged from behind. Both me and Angelina froze, I expected Dumbledores stern voice filling the hall in an echo, but it didn't. Instead the voice f two very familiar wizards was heard. I sighed in releaf, but I knew they wouldn't let us get out of this. I turned towards them, their lips curled up into grins.

"Out after cerfew, are we?" George mocked walking closer, with his twin by his side.
"We're not the only ones I see." I sneered back. The two of them frowned.

I looked over at Angelina, she looked rather annoyed.

"Atleast we have a reason unlike you morons!" Fred barked. "Actually we do." Angelina stated. "Oh yeah? Like what?" the twins spoke in union. "That we went to the kitchen to get y/n some food becuase two absolute idiots banged her head straight into a table!" her voice was loud and echoed throught the halls.

Fred and George just stood there looking at us. I looked at the floor and sighed, then back up at the twins.

"Look just-" I was quickly shut up by Fred. "Listen..we really dont wanna say this, but."
"We're sorry." George finished Freds sentence.

I stood there dumbfounded, my mouth slightly open and my eyes wide. Did they seriously apologize? To me? The twins? I suddenly started grinning.

"Wow. The Weasley twins apologizing to me? How low can you go?" I joked.

The four of us laughed a little, then the akward silence came back.

"We're just gonna go now. Wouldn't wanna waste our precious time on you gits." Angelina said breaking the silence.

She grabbed my hand and dragged me after her. I saw the twins shake their heads and smirk as I turned away from them. What was happening? Why was people suddenly so nice to me, and the twins apologizing. The twins of all people.

We got back to the dormitory witout anymore troubles. I didn't even change out of my clothes before crashing into my bed.
I woke up to the sound of shouting. I rolled over and rubbed my eyes, the bright sun was blinding me as I just layed in bed for a while. I sat up and checked the time; 5:30. Who would be up arguing at 5:30? Angelina was still sleeping, so I got up and walked towards the door. I peeked my head out and crept down the stairs following the voices. I popped my head around the corner to Hermione, Ron and Harry all arguing.

"For godsake! You couldnt pick an earlier hour to argue at?" I spoke sarcastically making the three go silent. "Honestly, what's this nonsense about?"

None of them answered me. I was honestly kinda pissed of, I never really liked arguing and loud screaming; especially when it was over stupid things not worth arguing about.
Hermione's eyes were glossy and it looked like she wanted to burst out crying. I looked at Ron and Harry, they had this guilty look.

Two Idiots |Fred&GeorgeWeasley|Where stories live. Discover now