chapter ten

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Song suggested: Juliet ;)

George wanted this to work.

    Finally, George typed in the address that he was given for the party into gps and began driving. Clay's house wasn't to far from school. About 10 minutes. George's heart was pounding, he was so nervous. Were Clay's parents going to be there? He didn't want to walk into Clays home as some random guy. He hoped it would just be Clay.

    He saw the familiar house and pulled into the driveway. George grabbed his phone and keys as he got out of the car before walking up to the front door. He had only seen Clay's car so he assumed it was just Clay and him. He went up and knocked on the door. George had awful butterflies and couldn't tell him he liked the feeling or not. Then the door opened.

    "Hey, you're here!" Clay said in excitement. "My parents aren't home, so it's just us."

    George smiled and admired Clay. He couldn't get enough of him. No matter how many times he'd look at Clay, every time was always beautiful. George then dropped his glare and walked in. Clay was right behind him and led him into the kitchen. It's not the first time George had been in there. He knew where everything was except for Clay's room. Every other place was open at the party.

    "Hungry? I've got plenty of snacks," Clay offered.

    "I'm okay," George replied quickly.

    "Alright, then we can head to my room." Clay said with a smile.

    Then they made their way to Clays bedroom. It wasn't anything special. Just gray walls, a tv on the wall, and of course a closet and a few other things. George and Clay both sat on the bed in a comfortable silence. George was staring towards the ground and Clay took that as a chance to look at the brunette. It was starting to get a little to silent, so Clay started a conversation.

"I know this is kind of a stupid question, but what's your favorite color?" Clay asked, breaking the silence.

"It's probably blue. It's the color i can see the best since i'm um... colorblind," George laughed.

"Oh yeah, i remember being a jerk about that the other day, sorry." Clay apologized.

"You're fine. I understand you probably didn't like me that much then and weren't a fan of me still being at your house," George replied.

They both began to laugh. Oh, how feelings could change so fast.

"What's yours?" George asked back.

"Probably green," Clay answered. "I'm guessing that's the color you can't see to well?"

"Right," George answered.

They had ongoing conversations about things they enjoyed and their home life's. Both ended up talking about their parents and how George's dad was homophobic and so were Clays parents.

"Yeah my dad had passed my phone, i'm guessing the other day, and noticed your contact name. Then he yelled at me during dinner and telling me that if i was gay, then i'd be a disgrace. That's what happened the night you came over. It's also why i was asleep so early." George mentioned to Clay. He was chocking back tears.

Clay felt sorry for the boy. He was glad that was the night he came over, because it seemed like George was in a better mood when he was there.

"I'm sorry George. You don't deserve that." Clay said as he grabbed the brunette and held him tightly.

George nodded. Clay gave George a kiss on the forehead in comfort. George left safe in Clay's arms.

"I was always raised to believe that being gay was bad, and you would be a terrible person, but you're not terrible. No one else i've met has been terrible. So i've changed my mind about it recently." Clay spoke, still comforting George.

"Clay," George said. "Are you gay, or bi? I didn't know, because the other day you said you were straight and then last night you came over in the middle of the night and kissed me."

"I've never thought about it until now. It was always pushed away and i've always thought it was bad, but then i've met you, and you've helped me figure it out." Clay smiled.

George was confused, but happy for Clay that he was figuring himself out. Was Clay using him to figure out his sexuality? Surly not.

"You're not using me to figure out what you like, right Clay?" George asked.

Clay realized that his words had come off wrong.

"No, of course not! I promise i didn't mean it like that. I really do like you George, you mean a lot to me. No one i've known for a short amount of time has meant this much to me." Clay said quickly. He wanted to get it out fast, so George didn't leave or take it the wrong way.

    "Okay, i'm sorry to question you," George apologized.

    Clay looked George in the eyes and placed his hand of George's cheek.

    "You're perfectly fine," Clay spoke. "You're also very pretty."

    George laughed. It was great to be with someone like Clay.

    "Oh shoot, my parents don't know i'm here. I mean they probably didn't even notice i'm gone, but," George spoke, breaking the silence.

    George texted his mom quickly and returned to admiring Clay. He then fell into his arms. Clay wanted George to stay forever, he enjoyed this time with him. He wondered if George would stay over.

    "Want to stay over tonight?" Clay asked.

    "I would, but i don't have any clothes for in the morning." George answered.

    "You can barrow mine. Take whatever you need. My parents are away on a trip and be back for another 2 days anyways." Clay told George.

    George decided to stay. He knew he would regret saying no if that was his answer. George and Clay went out into the kitchen to eat dinner. Clay put in a freezer pizza and split it between the two. It was all he really had for a decent meal, but George didn't seem to mind.

After a few hours, the two got into comfier clothes and went back into Clays room. They both got under a blanket and curled up in bed together. Clay enjoyed the company of George so much. George was different than any girl he's every been with. George was special to him. He really meant something to Clay.

    Then it came to mind. What if someone found about Clay and George hanging out and told his parents? He would hate to hide it, he'd feel terrible, but who knows what his parents would do. Clay erased those thoughts from his mind and moved closer to George. He wrapped his arm around George and let it rest on George's chest. He then laid his head on the smaller boy's shoulder. Clay couldn't imagine those certain words coming out of his mouth right in this moment.

    Clay turned George to face him and leaned in to kiss him. It was sweet. George thought he was in a dream again, but this was real. They both pulled away and George faced away from Clay, staying very close by his side.

The 2 eventually fell asleep, both feeling safe by each other's side.

(1210 Words)
ugh, so sweet. <3
enjoy these good moments while you can, trust me besties. ;)

please take care of yourselves. <3

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