Congrats Papa (Obitine/Anidala)

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As they walked the halls of the senate building Anakin decided he couldn't keep it to himself anymore. The war was over and what was the harm in leaving now... Ahsoka was gone, after all, maybe he and Padme could go look for her once the Jedi had kicked him out. Besides, he would rather tell them directly than have them find out on accident, and so... "I have something to confess Master..."

Obi-Wan turned to Anakin, his eyebrows raised. "And that is?"

"I'm married to Padme." He blurted it so quickly Obi-Wan didn't understand.

"I'm sorry?"

"I'm married to Padme."

"You're what?!" The expression on Obi-Wan's face would have been comical if it hadn't been Anakin he was yelling at. A few senators' heads turned towards them and Obi-Wan lowered his voice, "You're what?"

Anakin sighs, he knows Obi-Wan heard him, "Don't make me say it again Master-"

"-Kriffing hell, Anakin! You can't hide the fact that you have been married for force knows how many years!"

More senators are turning in their direction, "Master! Will you keep your voice down a bit! I don't need the whole senate building to know!"

"I'm sure they already do," Obi-Wan responded dryly.

"Yeah, because you're being so loud-"

"You and Padme weren't exactly subtle..."

"You knew?!"

"Not exactly, I knew that there was something between you two, but I didn't expect you two to have been married for... how many years?"


"It took you THREE years to fess up to me?!"

"Well, we- "

"I expected you to invite me to your wedding not tell me three years later!"

"Invite you?" Anakin gaped at him

"What? Am I not welcome to my own Padawan's wedding? Are we not friends?"

"No, Of course, we're friends, I just didn't know that you weren't a perfect Jedi, having a kid and all..."

"Anakin, I'm far from being a perfect Jedi but a kid? What kid?!"

"You know..."

"No, I don't know."

Anakin lowered his voice, "Korkie."

"What about him?! Wait, you think that Korkie is Satine and I's son?" The expression on his former Master's face is priceless.

"Hold on, he isn't?"

"Of course not! We-" He cuts himself off and Anakin smirks.

"He looks almost exactly like you Obi-Wan, and his force signature is identical! Have you ever seen his jawline? Don't even get me started on his hair or the way he strokes his chin! How many years ago did you and Master Jinn spend that year with her?

"Seventeen years ago."

"The math adds up perfectly too!"

"Korkie is my son. I have a son." He mumbles before swallowing hard and rubbing his beard as Anakin rests his hand on his shoulder.

"Congratulations, Papa."

That was enough to bring Obi-Wan back to the present, he turned and fixed Anakin with a stern look, "Let's talk some more about you and Senator Amidala now..."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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