Meeting them Part 3

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Ticci Toby

After a particular a bad day you were in a park, sitting quiet to yourself. The girls at school made fun of your habits. Your parents tried to reason that you were special but the girls at school made you believe you were a freak. You began biting your lip while tapping your foot on the bench. You were easy to read which made an easy target. A sigh left your lips as you continued the soft taps.

"You s-seem down."

A smooth, yet slightly stuttering voice reached your ears. You looked up and saw a male with a mouth guard, goggles on his head and hatchets on his waist. He also had light brown eyes and what seemed to be fluffy brown hair. You nodded; the tapping slightly went faster though.

"W-well, I would like to sit with you if t-that's okay."

You noticed that every time he stuttered he ticked, remembering a certain article about Tourette syndrome, so you allowed him to. A few minutes went by in silence, not counting the ticks and taps, but mostly enjoying the fact that someone was with you and you felt a connection to him. Later in the night he allowed you to lean on him.

"So you tap when y-you're nervous?"

You shook your head.

"It's just a habit I have... along with other things but tapping is mostly what I do. I sometimes wish I don't have them though..."

He nodded then ticked. He looked back to his own memories and shuddered.

"I understand."

A couple of minutes went by when you realized you had to get home. You stood up and began walking when he stopped you.

"W-would you like to m-meet up here a-again?"

The more he ticked, the more he seemed nervous to ask. Your eyes widen in shock. No one had ever asked you to be with them so you nodded immediately. He beamed at you or at least you think he did and ran off. A smile appeared on your face as you walked home. This has turned from the worst day into the best day ever.


This was your favorite part of the day, freestyle baking. You worked as a baker and it was your dream to open your own bakery. As you decorated your cupcakes, the door opened and you greeted teem with a smile.

'Why hello there! Welcome to the Sweet Tooth Delight! May I help you?"

A man with a bright smile and dirty blonde hair came up to the counter and looked hungrily at your cupcakes.

'May I have that one?"

Your eyes widen, your sweets weren't usually chosen as a first option so this was the first time. You nodded a little too eagerly and tried finishing them. The man chuckled and asked you to take it slow.

"Hey hey! What's happening a bake off?" He said with a smirk.

You both snickered at it and you realized you were being silly and continued at the same pace you started as. When about four cupcakes were done you gave them to him.

"Here you go! A total of (says reasonable amount)."

(I have no idea how much is it; I don't really want to be offending to anyone so that's what you get for now)

He smiled and paid for it. As you decorated the remaining of the cupcakes, you couldn't help but stare at him. There was something about him that made you feel weird inside. You didn't know if it was his smile, his funny and cool personality or just him in general. He noticed that you were starring and flashed his bright smile at you. You blushed and looked away. Time went by and customers came and went. However, even if he was done with his cupcakes, the man with the bright smile stayed. When you clocked out that's when he stood up.

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